Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1970, Blaðsíða 69

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1970, Blaðsíða 69
ÁBURÐARNOTKUN OG VETRARÞOL 67 The experiments were carried out in Mitscherlich pots, which were placed on tables ca. one nr over tlie earth surface. In the winter 1968—1969 the soil in the pots was completely icebound, but may have thawed a little in the many thawing periods during the winter. In the spring it was obvious that there was an severe winter killing oí the grass in the pots. The fertilizer effect on the winter liardiness of the grass is the rnain aspect of the article. The frost injury is evaluated by a comparison of the yield in 1968 and 1969. Winter killing was observed were overoptimal amounts of nitrogen were given and winter killing occurred also at nitrogen shortage. At 120 N, 60 P and 50 kg/ha there was no injury ancl higliest yield as well for the nitrogen fronr the compound fertilizer as for nitrogen fronr ammoniumnitrate. At the lowest phosphorus anrount 13 kg/ha P and where no phosphorus was given the growth was alnrost completely retarded already in the sowing year. At tlre phosphorus levels of 26 and 39 kg/ha P tlrere was a severe winter injury, where the conrpound fertilizer 22-6-9 (22-11-11) was used and where triple superphosphate with potassium sulphate and anrmoniumnitrate was used, but there was no injury where the triple superphosphate was used togetlrer with jrotassium chloride and ammoniumnitrate. The results of the experinrent with increasing anrounts of potassium show clearly that potassium increases the frost hardiness of tlre plants. Yield-increases where snrall from increasing amounts of 22-6-9 (N-P-K) com- pound fertilizer alone. The phosphorus content of the compound fertilizer is far too low for the needs of the virgin peat soil used in tlre experiment. HEIMILDARRIT AwDONIN, N. S„ 1958: The influence of soil properties and fertilization on the resist- ance of winter crops. — A hundred years of successful fertilizer practice. Helgason, Bjarni, 1969: Persónuleg heimild. JÓHANNESSON, Björn, 1961: Unr nýtingu fos- fóráburðar við grasrækt. Rit Landbúnaðar- deildar, B-flokkur, 16. Jung, G. A. og Dale Smith, 1959: Influence of soil potassium and phosphorous content on the cold resistance of alfafla. Agr. J. 51, 585. Obata, B. J„ Shindo, T. J„ Tomii, T. J„ Abe, J„ 1967: Systematic studies on the techniques of the cultivation and use of grass, as the fundamental practices of dairy farming in the mountain region of central Japan. 1. Studies on the persistency of ladino clover and orchard grass on the mixed pasture in the mountain region. J. Cent. Agric. Exp. Stn., Konosu 10, 51—70; Herb. Alstr. 38, 177, abstr. no. 1086. Sheard, R. W„ 1968: Relationsliip of carbo- hydrate and nitrogen compounds in the haplocorn to the growth of timothy. Crop Su. 8, 658-663. Sigvaldason, Jóhannes, 1967: Rannsóknir á brennisteinsskorti í íslenzkum túnum. Ars- rit Rœktunarfélags Norðurlands 64, 65—78. WlLDING, D. M„ STAHMANN, M. A. Og SmITH, D„ 1960: Free amino acids in alfalfa as re- lated to cold hardiness. Pl. Physiol, 35, 726-732.
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Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

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