Editiones Arnamagnæanæ. Series B - 01.10.1965, Síða 136

Editiones Arnamagnæanæ. Series B - 01.10.1965, Síða 136
76 which we are never able to hunt down. Now he who accom- plishes that shall tchoose (receive) a kiss from the most beautiful young lady who is in my retinue. For that reason let all be ready (+ early) tomorrow—those who wish to follow me (+ to hunt it down). Walven, an excellent knight, sister’s son of the king, answered (+ thus) the king’s speech: “Lord,” he said, “from this trip may result great difficulties, because sooner will we fight than Tone man’s (endure that—that another man’s) sweetheart be called more beautiful Tthan another’s (—)■’' The king became angry Tat his words (+) and spoke (+ thus): “Whether Tyou like it or not (it seems to you good or bad), Walven, then things shall (+ nevertheless) go as [I have said] before, because no liegeman may refuse that which his master bids fhim (+).” TChapter II (+) Early next morning the king rides to the forest with his retinue. Each man now pursues the hart as he is able. Some shout, rbut some sick on the hunting dogs and the herd dogs (some blew on trumpets, and there was there then also a great din from horses’ neighing and dogs’ barking). TKing Arthur 6 is foremost (foremost of all was King Arthur) on a charger strong and fvery (+) swift (+ as a swallow in flight). The queen rode also to the forest with her retinue, and with her young Erex on a good steed which had come from Spain. (+ His) cloak was of red silk, tunic of a white costly material, hose of Tsilk, bridle bit of (+) silver, Isaddle of ivory (+), spurs of Ipure (red) gold. The queen rode so hard to the forest that no one Tfollowed (was able to follow) her except Erex and a young lady (+, a king’s daughter). They stop (+ now) in a clearing far from the other people rand had (Erex had) no weapons except a sword. They dismount Tfrom their horses (+) and let their exhaustion slip from Tthem (their horses). Thereupon they see riding Tfrom out of the forest (+) a (+ big) knight fully armed and with him a beautiful girl, and before them [rode] an ugly dwarf on a big horse holding (+ in his hand) an ell-long whip [5?; ass-whip? cf. note to text]. The queen spoke now to Ithe (her) girl: “Go (+quickly) 7 and ask this knight to come to Tme (us, because). I want to know who he is.” The girl now Twent (rides forward furiously) and comes to where the dwarf is. He speaks to her: “You, fyoung lady (fair girl),” The says (+), “tell me whom you
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