Editiones Arnamagnæanæ. Series B - 01.10.1965, Síða 147

Editiones Arnamagnæanæ. Series B - 01.10.1965, Síða 147
This tilting ends with this—that the chieftains part with 30 friendship, and each goes fhome (“) to his kingdom. Chapter VII (+ Erex’ departure and duel.) Erex asks (+ now) the king and queen to give him ígood (+) leave [to go] home to his father, because he had been away for a long time. The king and queen Tgrant him this (give this leave) and get him fitting company, and they part with Tgreat honor and (+) friendship. He rides (+ now) to the castle of his father with his fsweetheart (lady), and the king himself goes (+ with learned men out of the castle) to meet rhis son (them) with íhis retinue (the procession), and they lead him rto the hall (into the castle with all kinds of entertainment), and an excellent banquet was prepared there. fAfterward (now) Erex leads a quiet life and loves so much his sweetheart that he forsakes all the merriment and enter- tainment of young men. He is highly esteemed by all rgood men 3t (men of the land), but nevertheless he Tgets some reproach for his moderate [ ?, cf. note to text] life (went somewhat against [cf. note to text] his easy life). íThat (this) distresses his lady much, when she hears him spoken Till (harshly) of. And one morning when she lies in bed beside her husband, and she thinks that he ris (must be) asleep, she talks in a low voice to herself and spoke: “That is sorrowful ffor me (now), Tmy lord (my good lord Erex), that you get (+ great) reproach rfor that love which you have for me (from your love which you bestow upon me, and from your easy life).” Erex heard (+ now) her words and jumps up on the spot, dresses, and spoke (+ thus) to her: “Dress yourself on the spot in your best clothes, because today rwe (you) shall rboth (now) ride (+ away) from this castle (+ with me), and no longer Tdo I wish to (shall I) suffer reproach for my Tmoderate [?] (easy) life from rthe (these) men of the land.” She repents now her words but gets dressed nevertheless with great rhaste (sorrow). TSir (+) Erex takes now his armor and rtheir (three) horses, (+ and) saddles them and sets his lady on her horse. Afterward he goes rto (before) 32 his father and tells him (+ all) his intentions. He grieves much —and all the retainers—at his action, and nevertheless they are able to accomplish nothing [to prevent it]. TAfterward (now) Erex jumps on his horse and rides (+ now) with his fsweetheart (lady) out of the place—and no men with him,
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Editiones Arnamagnæanæ. Series B

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