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English summary
Harnessing Knowledge
Methods used to catalog resources in collections of recorded knowledge have
for centuries been influenced by the degree of precision needed, available
technologies to accomplish the kind of catalogs needed, the amount and
subject diversity of resources having to be cataloged and organized and the
number of users, their educational level and information needs. This article
touches on the main developments in cataloging methods from the catalogs
of the large collections of antiquity to modern times. It is argued that with
the advent of printing in the Western world books became „massproduced"
sales items. Then the needs of bookbuyers for precise information began to
influence cataloging methods in libraries through the influence of publis-
hers’ catalogs, which were aimed at fullfílling the information needs of
potential buyers. Work on a common standard for cataloging resources in
libraries, as well as in other institutions collecting material on the history
and culture of the nation, such as museums, galleries and research institu-
tions is described. The cataloging standard is being developed on behalf of
the Icelandic Standards Institution’s Committee on Information Technology
and the institutions taking part in the work.
Borís Pasternak: Sívagó læknir
{Almenna bókafélagið, 1959)
Þýð: Skúli Bjarkan
Sívagó um Löru: Hann sagði við sjálfan sig: - Á lessalnum hélt ég, að hún væri sokkin niður í lestur af
sama ákafa og hún myndi beita við erfiða, líkamlega vinnu. En nú sé ég, að hið gagnstæða er einnig satt:
hún ber vatn frá brunni jafn léttilega og áreynslulaust sem hún væri að lesa. (Bls. 301)
Bókasafnið 23. árg. 1999