Árbók Hins íslenzka fornleifafélags - 01.01.1975, Side 86
Manntal á Islandi 1703 (Rvk, 1924—1947), bls. 334 (Espihóll), 338 (Æsustaðir),
340 (Saurbær).
Níelsson, Sveinn. Prestatal og prófasta á íslandi (Rvk. 1950), bls. 59, 262.
Ólason, Páll Eggert. íslenzkar æviskrár I—V (Rvk, 1948—1952), I, bls. 242;
II, bls. 214—215, 359; III, bls. 96, 155—156, 177; IV, bls. 125; V, bls. 136.
Icelandic Church Bell, Norwegian Dinner Bell
The Icelandic inscription on a dinner bell at a farm in Grue in Solor (Norway)
shows that the bell was cast for a church in Iceland. Translated into English
the inscription runs as follows: „This bell was given to the church of Teigur
by séra (i. e.the reverend) Hjalti, Jón, Páll and Gunnlaugur Jón’s sons, in the year
1705.“ Most likely the bell never arrived in Iceland because the four brothers
mentioned on it died during the plague of 1707. There is reason to suppose that
the founder (of Copenhagen?) subsequently disposed of the bell otherwise.