Árbók Hins íslenzka fornleifafélags - 05.01.1986, Qupperneq 52
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Knudsen, G. „Gækkebrev," Salmonsens konversationsleksikon, X. Kobcnhavn, 1920. Bls.
Kristjánsdóttir, Sigríður. „Búið til laufabrauð fyrirjólin," Húsfreyjan, 24: 4: 21-27, 1973.
Pálsson, Sveinn. Æftsaga Bjarna Pálssottar, sem var fyrsti Landphysikus á íslandi. Leirár-
görðum við Leirá, 1800.
Pálsson, Sveinn. Æftsaga Bjarna Pálssonar. 2. útg. Akureyri, 1944.
Seks islandske opskrifter. Spisekammeret i gamle dage. Nordisk möde i Reykjavik 4.-7. juli 1965.
8 bls. [Fjölrit.]
Sigurðsson, Haraldur. „Inngangur." í von Troil, Uno. Bréffrá Islandi. Reykjavík, 1961.
Bls. 9-31.
Stefánsdóttir, Hulda. „Laufabrauðskvöldið," Hugur og hönd, [19]: 40-41, 1984.
Stephensen, Magnús. „Autobiographia Drs. Magnúsar Stephensen. (Brot),“ Tímarit hins
íslenzka bókmenntafélags, IX. Reykjavík, 1888. BIs. 197-268.
Stephensen, Marta María. Einfaldt Matreidslu Vasa=Qver, fyrir heldri manna Húss=freyjur.
Leirárgörðum við Leirá, 1800.
[Styrkársdóttir, Auður.] „Búsýslan. Laufabrauð og indversk systurbrauð," Þjóðviljinn, 6.
desember 1983. Bls. 13.
von Troil, Uno. Bref rórande en resa til Island MDCCLXXII. Upsala, 1777.
von Troil, Uno. Bréffrá íslandi. Reykjavík, 1961.
Is the dictionary of Jón Ólafsson from Grunnavík thc earliest source about lcaf brcad?
The rnaking of laufabrauð, leaf bread (lace brcad) for Christnras is popular in Iceland.
It has scemed that thc custom to decorate thin brcad with cut openwork dcsigns was a
special Icelandic custom; at least similarly decoratcd brcad is not known from thc westcrn
Until recently the earlicst sourcc about leaf brcad was believed to be an account fronr
1799 of a dinncr given for high ranking foreign visitors in 1772 by the Icelandic Land-
physician at his rcsidencc in south-wcstern Iccland, where the bread was servcd together
with other food specialitics of the country.4-8 In 1979, howevcr, thc present author obser-
ved in thc files of the Dictionary Institute of the University of Iccland that laufabrauð was
mentioned in the Icelandic-Latin manuscript dictionary, AM 433 foh, by Jón Ólafsson
from Grunnavík, written mostly in the years 1734-1754, thc chapter wherc leaf bread
occurs likely about 1736.9,10 There thc bread is said to be kneadcd from wheat flour, but
thin and cut out with pictures of many shapes, buttered and boiled, and that to Icelandcrs
it is swectmeat. In thc first Icelandic cookbook published in 1800, intcnded for „wives of
men of position," leaf bread is said to be made from wheat dough wet with milk or cream
mixed with sugar, cut out variously and cooked in melted butter.11,12