

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1990, Side 58

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1990, Side 58
6. mynd. Berghlaup sem féll haustið 1972 í Jökulsárgili vestan við Sólheimajökul. Hlau- purðin er afmörkuð á myndinni. Mynd tekin 10. nóvember 1976. A rock slide that fell in Jökulsárgil at Mýrdalsjökull, South Iceland in 1972. The picture is taken in November 1976 and shows the scar in the mountain slope and the rock slide across the glacier. Ljósm. photo Oddur Sigurðsson. Ólafur Jónsson 1976. Berghlaup. Rœktun- arfélag Norðurlands. Akureyri. 623 bls. SUMMARY Möðrufellshraun, a rock slide or a moraine by Oddur Sigurðsson Orkustofnun Grensásvegi 9 IS-108 REYKJAVÍK Iceland In a newly published popular handbook on the nature and history of Iceland (ís- landshandbókin 1989) a certain geomorph- ological phenomenon - here exemplified by Möðrudalshraun - is explained as be- ing cirque-glacier moraines. In an older and thorough study by Ólafur Jónsson (1976) Möðrufellshraun is explained as be- ing a rock slide. The present author analyzes the glaci- ological conditions needed to account for the existence of the cirque-glaciers and finds that these have not been present in the region during Post-glacial time, which is the age of the discussed phenomenon. The new explanation is thus found to be in error. No arguments have been put forward to justify the need for a new explanation and the old one, a rock slide, is still considered to remain valid. 112



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