Uppeldi og menntun - 01.01.2003, Side 62

Uppeldi og menntun - 01.01.2003, Side 62
BETUR M Á E F DUGA SKAL Heimildir Aðalnámskrá framhaldsskóla. Almennur hluti. (1999). Reykjavík: Menntamálaráðu- neytið. Aðalnámskrá framhaldsskóla. Lífsleikni. (1999). Reykjavík: Menntamálaráðuneytið. Aðalnámskrá framhaldsskóla. Samfélagsgreinar. (1999). Reykjavík: Menntamálaráðu- neytið. Aðalnámskrá framhaldsskóla. Upplýsinga- og tæknimennt. (1999). Reykjavík: Mennta- málaráðuneytið. American Association of University Women. (1999). Gender Gaps. Where schools still fail our children. New York: Marlowe. Apple, Michael W. (2001 a). The Politics of a National Curriculum. í Alen R. Sadovnik, o. fl. (ritstj.), Exploring Education (bls. 307-320). Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Apple, Michael W. (2001b). Educating the 'Right' Way. Markets, Standards, God, and lnequality. New York og London: Routledge & Falmer. Arnot, M., David, M. og Weiner, G. (1999). Closing the Gender Gap. Cambridge: Polity Press. Arnot, Madeleine og Dillabough, Jo-Anne (ritstj.), (2000). Challenging Democracy. International Perspectives on Gender, Education and Citizenship. London - New York: Routledge. Behar-Horenstein, Linda, S. (2000). Can Modern View of Curriculum be Refined by Postmodern Criticism? í Jeffrey Glanz og Linda. S. Behar-Horenstein (ritstj.), Paradigm debates in curriculum and supervision: modern and postmodern perspectives (bls. 6-33). Westport, Ct.: Greenwood Publishing Group. Bernard-Powers, Jane. (1995). Out of the Cameos and into the Conversation: Gender, Social Studies and Curriculum Transformation. í J. Gaskell og J. Williams (ritstj.). Gender In/forms Curriculum. From Enrichment to Transformation (bls. 191-208). New York: Teachers College Press. Davies, L. (2000). The civil school and civil society: gender, democracy and develop- ment. í M. Arnot og J.A. Dillabough (ritstj.). Challenging Democracy. lnternational Perspectives on Gender, Education and Citizenship (bls. 278-296). London and New York: Routledge. Davis, James Earl. (2002). Race, Gender and Sexuality: (Un) Doing Identity Categories in Educational Research. Educational Researcher, 31(4), 29-32. Department of Education and Science. Great Britain (1989). The Education Reform Act 1988: The school curriculum and assessment. Circular no. 5/89. London: HMSO. Dillabough, Jo-Anne og Arnot, Madeleine. (2000). Feminist Political Frameworks: new approaches to the study of gender, citizenship and education. í Jo-Anne Dilla- bough og Madeleine Arnot (ritstj.), Challenging Democracy. International Perspectives oti Gender, Education and Citizenship (bls. 21-40). London: Routledge. European Commission. (1996). Incorporating Equal Opportunities for Women and Men into all Community Policies and Activities. Communication from the Commission, COM (96), 67. Luxembourg: Office for the Official Publications of the European Union. 60
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