Uppeldi og menntun - 01.01.2003, Page 120
Weissman, D. (1996). Super Science Sleep-Over: Bringing School and Community
Together. Science and Children, October, 1996, 34-37.
Williams-Norton, M. (1990) Home Is Where the Science Is. Science and Children,
March, 1990,13-15.
This paper focuses on the results from evaluation of a development project in a few
Icelandic schools. The project based on a British project, The SHIPS Project (School
Home Investigation in Primary Science), is about cooperation between school and
home in science education. The aim of the project is to develop a positive attitude
towards science by linking school and home, teachers and parents, in primary school
science (6-11 year old children). In order to gather information about the project a
questionnaire was sent to teachers, classrooms were visited to observe children's
work, pupils were interviewed and evaluation forms from parents were collected and
analysed. The main results from the evaluation of the project showed that parents,
children and teachers were very positive about the project. It fitted well to the new
Icelandic educational guidelines and the results from the evaluation suggests that it
may foster positive attitudes towards science.
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lektor við Kennaraháskóla Islands