
Saga - 2005, Síða 96

Saga - 2005, Síða 96
Helst er að sjá að þeir sem keyptu jarðirnar hafi grætt á sölunni, og þá ekki síst vegna þess að þannig komu þeir fjármunum sínum í fast rétt áður en óðaverðbólga og hrun danska peningakerfisins á fyrstu árum 19. aldar gróf undan gildi danska ríkisdalsins. Til lengri tíma markaði salan þó nýja stefnu í íslenskum efnahagsmál- um, þar sem fjármögnun opinberra stofnana var færð frá umfangs- miklum rekstri jarðeigna til beinna greiðslna úr ríkissjóði. Á þann hátt stuðlaði salan örugglega í lengd að nútímalegri samfélagshátt- um á Íslandi, þótt þau áhrif hafi ekki komið fram að fullu fyrr en löngu síðar. Abstract S E L L I N G T H E S K Á L H O LT FA R M S The first auction of state property in Iceland, 1785–1798 In 1785 the Danish government decided to sell all of the land owned by the two Icelandic bishoprics, in order to set the finances of the bishoprics and the two church-related schools on a firm foundation. One reason for the sale was that poor conditions in the latter part of the 18th century had made it difficult for the bishops to collect fees on their land, and therefore difficult for them to operate the schools and bishoprics. Another aim of the sale was to increase owner-occu- pation in Iceland, since the government was convinced that farmers who owned their land generally farmed better and were more likely to improve their land than tenants. This article considers the sale of the Skálholt farm properties as seen through documents in public archives, which bring to light that most of the Skálholt bishopric’s land holdings were sold during the period of 1788 to 1798, and rendered satisfactory prices. Another point brought out is that although the conditions of sale were supposed to encourage the purchase of land by its ten- ants, nearly 2/3 of the properties ended up in the hands of others. A survey of land ownership at the beginning of the 19th century confirms this conclusion, because at that time only a little over one-quarter of the farms were owned by the farmers themselves. In addition, the conditions of sale were intended to increase the distribution of land ownership; that goal seems largely to have been achieved. Even though some landowners did in fact take the opportunity to increase their holdings, the overwhelming majority of buyers purchased a single farm or less. In view of the short term, the sale of the Skálholt properties seems to have failed miserably. Thus the great majority of these farms continued to be rented by the operators, and the improved rights that such tenants were supposed to receive through the sale seem not to have been realised. Likewise, the collapse of the Danish financial system in the first half of the 19th century put bishop and G U Ð M U N D U R H Á L F D A N A R S O N96 Saga haust 2005-NOTA 23.11.2005 20:10 Page 96
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