
Saga - 2005, Side 128

Saga - 2005, Side 128
lega hafa þau þyngsli sem fátækir bændur urðu fyrir af hálfu höfð- ingja á 13. öld gert stöðu þeirra gagnvart stórbokkunum erfiðari. Leiguliðar gætu að einhverju marki hafa komið úr röðum leysingja (fram á 12. öld) en síðan úr röðum húskarla sem brutu undir sig nýjar jarðir, enda fór lögbýlum fjölgandi fram á 14. öld. Einhver hluti þeirra hefur þó verið bændur sem ekki sáu sér lengur fært að halda í jarðir sínar. Skömmu fyrir 1700 var sjálfsábúð á jörðum orðin afar sjaldgæf á Íslandi. Það er greinilega afleiðing þróunar sem hófst á 12. öld og hefur trúlega náð hámarki fyrir 1500. Íslenska þrælasamfélagið þró- aðist þannig í „gósseigendaveldi“ á tiltölulega skömmum tíma. Á því eru engar handbærar efnahagslegar skýringar og því þarf að líta til félags- og hugmyndalegra þátta. Þar er nærtækt að nema staðar við það stigveldi sem var þegar til staðar innan bændastétt- arinnar og ráðandi stöðu stórbænda. Abstract F R O M S L AV E H O L D E R S T O L A N D O W N E R S : M E D I E VA L I C E L A N D I C S O C I E T Y, 11 0 0 – 1 4 0 0 This article presents a hypothesis on the development of class structure in Iceland, based on what can be deduced from the sources. Slavery seems to have been customary in Iceland from settlement into the 12th century. While scholars have usually downplayed the extent of this slavery and assumed that it ended relatively soon after settlement, there is little evidence to support that view. From what one may deduce from narrative sources, there were not only a considerable number of slaves at every farm, but they also seem to have played a major role in agricultural work. In fact, farmers themselves probably constituted only a frac- tion of society, with the farmers who were considered well off in turn accounting for only about 10% of all farmers. Nonetheless, this minority is strikingly promi- nent in the Book of Settlement (Landnámabók) and various narrative sources, such as the Icelandic Sagas. Therefore, Icelandic society was quite stratified from its beginnings. Around 1100, on the other hand, various social developments occurred which it is tempting to connect with the termination of slavery. These turning points can be related to the increased institutionalisation of society, for example regarding the tithe. At this time a group of farmers received the oppor- tunity of demanding fees from others, while tenant farming gained prominence. As before, the primary aim of increasing income was not the amassing of wealth, but rather the respect that accompanied how the wealth was used. This social disruption ultimately led to a consolidation of power and the end of the Icelandic S V E R R I R J A K O B S S O N128 Saga haust 2005-NOTA 23.11.2005 20:10 Page 128
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