

Læknablaðið - 15.01.1991, Page 37

Læknablaðið - 15.01.1991, Page 37
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 29 einnig valdið campylobacter þarmasýkingum. Samkeppni frá skemmdarvaldandi örverum, hátt vaxtarhitastig sýklanna (þ.e. 30-47° C) og næmi þeirra fyrir þurrki og súrefni í andrúmslofti veldur því að sýklunum fækkar við geymslu matvæla en fjölgar ekki í þeim. Þetta, ásamt löngum meðgöngutíma sýklanna áður en einkenna verður vart (tveir til fimm dagar), á trúlega stóran þátt í því að sýklamir eru sjaldan einangraðir erlendis úr matvælum sem sjúklingar með þarmasýkingar hafa sannanlega neytt. Ekki er vitað til þess að C. jejuni/coli sýklar hafi einangrast úr tilbúnum matvælum hér á landi. Fleiri bakteríutegundir sem geta verið sýkingavaldar hafa einangrast hér á landi úr hráu kjötmeti. Sem dæmi má nefna Salmonella úr kjúklingum og svínakjöti (43) og Listeria monocytogenes úr nauta- og kindakjöti (44). Það verður því seint of vel brýnt fyrir þeim sem meðhöndla hrátt kjötmeti að gæta ítrasta hreinlætis. Forðast ber sérstaklega krossmengun milli hrás kjötmetis og tilreiddra matvæla og ennfremur skal gæta þess að hitun (suða, steiking) kjöts sé nægjanleg fyrir neyslu. SUMMARY The aim of this project was to test a specific method to isolate Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli from samples of food. Also to get an idea of the incidence of these bacteria in raw meat in Iceland, mainly in raw chickens. In the project 213 samples of chicken and ground beef were examined. Altogether 159 samples of neck skin were taken from processing lines in 5 different chicken processing plants before the chickens were packed and frozen. Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli strains were isolated from 117 samples (74%). According to regulations for chicken processing in Iceland (no. 260/1980) chicken products have to be frozen within 2 hours of slaughtering. For comparison 20 whole chickens were taken from freezers in retail stores and examined. Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli strains were isolated from 12 chickens (60%). Campylobacter jejuni or Campylobacter coli strains were not isolated from 34 samples of unfrozen ground beef, which were obtained from retail stores and meat factories. HEIMILDIR 1. Skirrow MB. Campylobacter enteritis - the first five years. J Hyg Camb 1982; 89: 175-84. 2. Kotula AW, Stem NJ. The importance of Campylobacter jejuni to the meat industry: A review. J Animal Sci 1984; 58: 1561-6. 3. Blaser MJ, Taylor DN, Feldman RA. Epidemiology of campylobacter infections. In: Butzler JP, ed. Campylobacter infection in man and animals. Florida: CRC Press, 1985: 143-61. 4. Steingrímsson Ó, Kolbeinsson A. Campylobacter jejuni, algeng orsök niðurgangs á íslandi? Læknablaðið 1981; 67: 73-6. 5. Steingrímsson Ó, Thorsteinsson SB, Hjálmarsdóttir M, Jónasdóttir E, Kolbeinsson A. Campylohacter ssp. infections in Iceland during a 24 month period in 1980-1982. Scand J Infect Dis 1985; 17: 285-90. 6. 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Campylobacter jejuni - faraldur á Stöðvarfirði vegna mengaðs vatnsbóls í júní 1984. Læknablaðið 1985; 71: 182-6. 13. Alfreðsson GA, Friðriksson HV, Steingrímsson Ó. Campylobacter og Salmonella í vatnsbóli Akumesinga. Læknablaðið 1982; 68: 231-5. 14. Luechtefeld NW, Wang WL. Animal reservoirs of Campylobacter jejuni. In: Newell DG, ed. Campylobacter, epidemiology, pathogenesis and biochemistry. Bretland: MTP Press Ltd, 1982: 249- 52. 15. Munroe DL, Prescott JF, Penner JL. Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli serotypes isolated from chickens, cattle and pigs. J Clin Microbiol 1983; 18: 877-81. 16. Smitherman RE, Genigeorgis CA, Farver TB. Preliminary observations on the occurrence of Campylobacter jejuni at four Califomian chicken ranches. J Food Prot 1984; 47: 293-8. 17. Harris NV, Thompson D, Martin DC, Nolan CM. A survey of Campylobacter and other bacterial contaminants of pre-market chicken and retail poultry and meats, King County, Washington. Am J Public Health 1986; 76: 401-6. 18. Istre GR, Blaser MJ, Shillam P, Hopkins RS. Campylobacter enteritis associated with undercooked barbecued chicken. Am J Public Health 1984; 74: 1265-7. 19. Oosterom J, Uyl CH, Banffer JRJ, Huisman J. Epidemiological investigations on Campylobacter



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