

Læknablaðið - 15.01.1992, Side 27

Læknablaðið - 15.01.1992, Side 27
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 25 Table I. Percenlage distribulion of prescriplions for psychoiropic drufts per palienl in March 1989 (1984) in Reykjavik by sex and number of drugs on each prescription. Number of drugs Males and on prescription Males Females females One............................................. 59.9 (63.1) 61.7 (65.9) 61.0 (64.9) Two........................................... 23.7 (22.7) 22.7 (20.8) 23.1 (21.5) Three or more................................... 16.4 (14.1) 15.6 (13.3) 15.9 (13.6) Total ..................................... 100.0 100.0 Chi-square................................. ns 12.82 xx 17.33 xx Number of patients ........................ 1752 (1741) 3235 (3077) 4987 (4818) Number of outpatients...................... 35.1 (36.1) 64.9 (63.9) xx p< 0.01 Table II. Number of palienls receiving psychotropic drugs by ATC-groups and sex in 1989 (and 1984). Number of patients ATC-groups Males Females Total X2 P Neuroleptics ............................... 149 (200) 265 (268) 414 (468) ns Tranquillizers.............................. 886 (1019) 1624 (1808) 2510 (2827) ns Hypnotics................................... 959 (739) 1838 (1423) 2797 (2162) ns Antidepressants............................. 279 (229) 592 (423) 871 (652) ns Stimulants................................... 20 (21) 7 (10) 27 (31) ns Table III. Percenlage distribution of psycholropic drugs by their ranking on eacli prescription in 1989 (and 1984). Ranking ----------------------------------------------------- Number of‘ ATC-groups 1st 2nd 3rd prescriptions Neuroleptics .............................. 60.3 (57.6) 31.8 (33.7) 7.9 (8.6) 522 (614) Tranquillizers............................. 80.3 (81.5) 17.9 (16.1) 1.8 (2.4) 3648 (3895) Hypnotics.................................. 79.9 (77.8) 17.5 (18.4) 2.5 (3.8) 3683 (2682) Antidepressants............................ 77.5 (94.8) 18.8 (3.8) 3.8 (1.5) 985 (744) Stimulants................................ 100.0 (94.5) 15.5 44 (55) • X:='6L06 p<0.01 Table IV. Percentage aistribulion of mode of prescription by type of drug in 1989 (and 1984). Prescriptions --------------- ---------------- Number of ATC-groups by telephone in writing P prescriptions Neuroleptics ............................. 31.6 (31.1) 68.4(68.9) ns 522 (614) Tranquillizers............................ 42.8(47.2) 57.2(52.8) 14.62 <0.01 3648(3895) Hypnotics................................. 47.2 (44.3) 52.8 (55.7) 5.07 <0.05 3643 (2682) Antidepressants........................... 34.9(29.0) 65.1(71.0) 6.45 <0.05 985 (744) Total 42.9 (43.3) 57.1 (56.7) ns 8798 (7935) Table V. Percemage distribulion of number of DDDs per person per mnnlh hy ATC-groups in 1989 (and 1984). Number of DDDs ------------------------------------------------------------- Number of ATC groups -30 31-60 61-90 91+ p persons Neuroleptics ......... 72.9(78.0) 14.3(14.1) 4.8 (5.6) 7.9 (2.4) 14.87 <0.01 414 (468) Tranquillizers...... 75.2(78.4) 16.4(13.9) 4.5 (3.7) 3.9 (4.0) 12.80 <0.01 2510(2827) Hypnotics........... 67.1 (25.5) 24.5(60.0) 3.0 (4.6) 5.4 (9.9) 858.16 <0.01 2797(2162) Antidepressants .... 30.8(35.3) 35.8(39.9) 18.7(16.6) 14.7 (8.3) 17.75 <0.01 871 (652) Stimulants.......... 25.9(22.6) 44.4(32.3) 14.8(22.6) 14.8(22.6) ns 27 (31)



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