

Læknablaðið - 15.06.1995, Blaðsíða 23

Læknablaðið - 15.06.1995, Blaðsíða 23
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 1995; 81 469 Belgæxli í brisi Þrjú sjúkratilfelli og yfirlit Steinar Guðmundsson1’, Bjarni A. Agnarsson21, Gunnar Gunnlaugsson3’, Jónas Magnússon1* Guðmundsson S, Agnarsson BA, Gunnlaugsson G, Magnússon J Cystadenoma of the pancreas. Three case reports and a review Læknablaðið 1995; 81: 469-76 Cystic neoplasms of the pancreas are pathologically divided into macrocystic and microcystic adenomas. Macrocystic adenomas are multilocular, composed of large cysts (>2 cm), with or without septa, lined with columnar mucin-producing epithelium. This type has malignant potential. The microcystic ade- nomas are composed of many tiny cysts (<2 cm) lined by small cuboidal cells containing glycogen but little or no mucin. This adenoma is completely be- nign and is therefore important to differentiate from the former. Cystadenomas represent 10-15% of cys- tic lesions of the pancreas. Roughly one-half of the cystadenomas of the pancreas are found to be micro- cystic. The-remainder is accounted for by the muci- nous cystic neoplasms, either macrocystic adenomas or cystadenocarcinomas. These adenomas occur most frequently in middle aged women. Upper ab- dominal pain and weight loss are often the present- ing symptoms. An abdominal mass can often be palpated during physical examination of these pa- tients. Ultrasound and CT of the abdomen are the most useful diagnostic tools in the evaluation of cystic lesions of the pancreas. CT can also be helpful in differentiating microcystic from macrocystic ade- Frá "handlækningadeild Landspítalans, 2)Rannsóknastofu Háskólans í meinafræði, 3lhandlækningadeild Borgarspítal- ans. Fyrirspurnir, bréfaskipti: Steinar Guðmundsson, hand- lækningadeild Landspítalans, 101 Reykjavík. nomas. It is possible to do a CT or ultrasound guided percutaneous aspiration for diagnosis of the lesions. This technique permits preoperative cytologic and biochemical analysis of the cyst content. Surgery however is often necessary for accurate diagnosis where the tumor is biopsied for histology. The pri- mary pancreatic lesions to be considered in the dif- ferential diagnosis include pseudocyst, whether of inflammatory or traumatic origin, congenital cysts, ductal adenocarcinoma or islet cell tumors. Some agree that surgical resection may not be mandatory if an accurate diagnosis of microcystic adenoma can be made. Others emphasize that all pancreatic cys- tadenomas can have malignant potential and that total excision should be the treatment of choice. Both macrocystic adenomas and cystadenocarcino- mas have a slow and indolent course and tend to be well resectable in spite of late diagnosis. Three cases of pancreatic cystadenomas have been diagnosed in Iceland since 1972. These cases are presented here with a review of the literature. Ágrip Góðkynja belgkirtilæxlum eða belgæxlum í brisi (cystadenoma pancreatis) hefur verið skipt meinafræðilega í tvo flokka: Stórbelgja- æxli (macrocystic adenoma) og smábelgjaæxli (microcystic adenoma). Stórbelgjaæxlin eru mynduð af stórum belgjum (>2 cm), með eða án milliveggja, þöktum að innan stórum slím- myndandi frumum. Þau verða iðulega illkynja. Smábelgjaæxlið inniheldur litla belgi (<2 cm), klædda flatri eða teningslaga þekju sem hefur að geyma fjölsykrunga (glycogen) og lítið eða ekkert slím. Mikilvægt er að greina þetta æxli vegna þess að það er fullkomlega góðkynja. Belgæxli eru um 10-15% belgmeina (cystic les- ions) í brisi. Rúmlega helmingur belgæxla í brisi reynist vera smábelgjaæxli. Hinn helm-
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