

Læknablaðið - 15.06.1995, Blaðsíða 55

Læknablaðið - 15.06.1995, Blaðsíða 55
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 1995; 81 497 the historical objects today. Es- pecially in ana-historic and anti- historic period which lasted in modern medicine from the fif- ties to some years ago, when doctors began again to think about the history of their med- ical discipline, collections were in great danger of beeing de- stroyed and many of them were thrown away. Perhaps you will ask me the question wether it is realy nec- essary or even possible to keep all these outdated objects in in- stitutes and hospitals, where normally there is a constant lack of space even for the essential modern equipment. My answer would be: No, this is not always necessary. But there has to be a possibility to save unique and historical objects and to create a permanent exhibitionroom or even a museum. This might be within a museum of a city or in included in a national museum. For it is necessary to show phy- sicians and the public how sci- entific medicine grew from the roots of an archaic folkmedicine and why and which way our modern western medicine was developed. For it is an essential part of our culture! This aspect brings us to the second way of the question, why museums of medical history do exist and should exist in every developed country, can be answered. Medicine and all healing profes- sions are, starting from the very beginning of our European cul- ture, very closely connected to religion, philosophy, social evo- lution, policies, to art, technol- ogy and so on. Medicine never stood alone and was never iso- lated. The fact that the respon- sibility for the health of human beings, for a well organized public health system was very important for our high cultural standards made medicine es- sential for a highly developed culture like ours. Therefore it is quite necessary to show the his- torical roots of medicine and the reasons why medical ideas were increasingly involved in so many aspects of culture and civ- ihzation. It is also important to illustrate how intellectual and technological processes influen- ced the scientific development in medicine in each society. Therefore museums, where original testimonies of the de- velopment of modern medicine in a historical context, can be seen and where the great heri- tage of medicine is exhibited and presented in a modern mu- seological way, are not only in- teresting for insiders but for the public in general as we have ex- perienced. And therefore I would like to point out again the cultural aspect of the history of medicine. I will giving you the example of a museum of med- ical history, member of the Eu- ropean Association of Museums of the History of Medical Sci- ences, the Museum Nesstofa. This very particular museum, still in the period of construc- tion, is an excellent example for my statement, that such an in- stitution shows a lot of the cul- tural context of your medical tradition. As you all prove, it was quite normal and it still is, that Icelandic medical students go to universities abroad and that Icelandic doctors go to many foreign countries for fur- ther medical education. This commemorative day with dele- gates of countries which are closely linked to Icelandic med- ical development underline this statement. This typical Icelan- dic situation can be visualized in the collection of Nesstofa, which works like a historic mir- ror in which we see a clear im- age of Icelandic medicine. The collection of Nesstofa is paritcu- lar interesting and unique, be- cause it consists of a great varie- ty of items coming from many countries, where Icelandic doc- tors brought and bought them. It looks like a great medical warehouse of the European market. I have never seen a col- lection in Europe, which shows this really fascinating aspect. There will be no doubt, that you all understand the value of such a museum and that you will help to enrich the collection and to establish this institution as a part of your professional identi- ty and your part of the history of Icelandic culture. I think one of the nicest gifts you can get on the 75th anni- versary of your medical associ- ation is a well contructed and beautifully arranged museum of your history of medicine. I will end my contribution to this cel- ebration with my warmest re- gards and with - as Germans like to do - a quotation of Goethe who wrote, that only a person who takes the present for serious, for important, will write a chronicle. Christa Habrich
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