

Læknablaðið - 15.03.1997, Síða 8

Læknablaðið - 15.03.1997, Síða 8
148 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 1997; 83 Róandi lyf og svefnlyf Þekking sjúklinga og viðhorf Sigríður Dóra Magnúsdóttir11, Geir Karlsson21, Stefán Þórarinsson31, Guðmundur Sverrisson21, Jóhann Ágúst Sigurðsson21 Magnúsdóttir SD, Karlsson G, Þórarinsson S, Sverr- isson G, Sigurðsson JÁ Hypnotics and tranquiliisers. Patients’ knowledge and attitudes Læknablaðið 1997; 83; 148-52 Objective: To elicit patients’ views and attitudes to- wards the use of hypnotics and tranquillisers and their knowledge about such drugs and household remedies. Matcrial and methods: During 1986-1993 a total of 577 individuals in Egilsstaðir district (3029 inhabit- ants) had used sedatives and/or tranquillisers. Out of this group a stratified randomised sample com- posing 208 individuals, received a questionnaire with 22 or 24 questions about the use of tranquillis- ers and hypnotics. Results: The mean age was 55.1 years for users of tranquillisers, 60.1 years for the users of hypnotics. Women were in majority in both groups, most of them were married and working outside the home. Users of tranquillisers were divided into two main categories i.e. daily users and occasional users. Only a few used tranquillisers two or three times daily. Many used tranquillisers only as sleeping medicine. A fourth of the participants began using hypnotics after sleeping problems of less than one month. Doctors usually prescribed the medicines the first time they were used. 55% have tried household remedies against anxiety and sleeping problems. A Frá "Heilsugæslustöðinni Seltjarnarnesi, aheimilislæknis- fræði/ Heilsugæslustöðinni Sólvangi, 3)Heilsugæslustöðinni Egilsstöðum. Bréfaskriftir, fyrirspurnir: Sigríður Dóra Magn- úsdóttir Heilsugæslustöðinni Seltjarnarnesi, v/Suðurströnd, 170 Seltjarnarnes. Lykilorð: Svefrriyf, róandi lyf, þekking sjúklinga, viöhorf sjúklinga, húsráð. majority had tried to stop using these medicines. Feelings of guilt because of the use of medicines was not common. Participants were well informed about how much sleep is needed. Conclusion: Our results show that most of the pa- tients in the research area had gripped their doctors’ message regarding sleeping problems, health pro- motion and the risk of addiction after continuous use of hypnotics and tranquillisers. It is however likely, that more education in this direction can further increase health promotion and minimise the use of drugs. Key words: hypnotics, tranquillisers, patients'knowledge, patients’ compliance, household remedies. Correspondence: Sigríður Dóra Magnúsdóttir, Heilsugæslustöðinni Seltjarnarnesi, v/Suðurströnd, 170 Seltjarnarnes. Ágrip Tilgangur: Tilgangur rannsóknarinnar var að afla upplýsinga frá sjúklingum um þekkingu og viðhorf þeirra til róandi lyfja og svefnlyfja svo og vitneskju þeirra um svefn og svefnþörf. Efniviður og aðferðir: Rannsóknin var gerð í Egilsstaðalæknishéraði 1994. Valið var tilvilj- anakennt aldursflokkað úrtak (n=208) úr hópi allra þeirra einstaklinga (n=577) sem höfðu notað svefnlyf eða róandi lyf á árunum 1986- 1993. Spurningalisti með 22 eða 24 spurningum unt róandi lyf og svefnlyf var sendur til þátttak- enda. Niðurstöður: Helmingur notenda róandi lyfja tók lyfin tilfallandi, en fjórðungur daglega og lítill hópur þeirra tók lyfin tvisvar til þrisvar á dag. Þriðjungur tók svefnlyf daglega og lang- tímanotkun þeirra var algeng. Langflestir höfðu aðalvitneskju sína um róandi lyf og



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