Gripla - 01.01.2003, Page 13
MALMVS. crv r. 1 TiproftqHtmur lauJihm,JumlHctde I Sol axt ttrrtii amlitCj. K FSAL, CXVI. Dilcxi,qucnuw'&c. 1 Hoc f falmo Tropheta ifgíö* extieau fua pericuh» Carm^tnn* XX VI. Diícantuf. - ÍSALM’VS crvi. jíj »& cngufliis (ommononndo amplificat: & vt t>ei . I Scriutciisbonitas N: omiupotcnuafitconfpcíf ipluin quoquead jnnduin cobor-tt inompen- . 1 lationetn bcneficioiutn .<liutii.>iani peiremó lc ilU | pizduatuium 6c(ác/ífidaiaudu vtfuet obU’uroni. ! Tcnor. . '
. p' Teto fttíert Telo pttio’t dihgtm
t ^ Kitiet & Domtnum ttlÁm, l’Hitt & coUm, p--v;s.-4Ti r;4--15t-"—=J= J
f . ' Qtfi lenii nstht fHfpIui ■?f‘- * V Alto*. &ui Unit rnihi fuffhei IlaíTui. -‘'1
t í' . Tttöptilor* JitigMfn _ ^ Tott peifert Jthjam j
^ ^ Vaui Dovwwm toltm, l'nit) ó* Domuunn toltm, ,j -—is'S-F , 7T-: f -7 —
v —— Qui Uuit mihi fuffhci Qut Unu mthiJufflui j
\ Neq 4( . . ’-.vÍ
The opening of Tolo pectore diligam (Psalm 116), from the Buchanan/Olthof psalter.
Jón Helgason has suggested that since Bishop Sveinsson had to wait for the
consent of Gissur Bjamason’s father before he could seize his library as
school property, the books could hardly have been included in an inventory
made in 1674.11 Since the next register to survive is the one made in 1698, in
which the Buchanan psalter appears for the first time, it seems plausible that
this copy originated in Gissur Bjamason’s collection.
missing the title page, but the other is a copy of the 1646 edition. The latter contains hand-
written annotations on Buchanan’s texts as well as changes to Olthofs musical settings. In
the music to Psalm 1 (Felix ille animi) and Psalm 26 (Ut exta flammis), many of the semi-
breves have been tumed into minims by filling in the noteheads. Two measures have been
added in black ink to Olthof s setting of Psalm 5 (Omnipotens rerumDeus, p. 15)-—but only
in the tenor and bass parts. Page 408 contains an ink drawing of an individual identified as
J.C.G. Ackermann, complete with pipe, sword, and feathered hat. This volume needs to be
studied further. I am grateful to Öm Hrafnkelsson of the National and University Library for
his attempt to trace the provenance of these copies.
11 Jón Helgason, “Bókasafn Brynjólfs biskups,” 139.