Gripla - 01.01.2003, Síða 45
Manuscripts AM 246 4to Lbs 496 8vo ÍB 669 8vo
AM 102 8vo Lbs 504 8vo ÍBR 7 8vo
AM 191 b 8vo Lbs 508 8vo ÍBR 8 8vo
Rask 98 Lbs 511 8vo ÍBR 26 8vo
Bjami Þorsteinsson Lbs 830 8vo ÍBR 32 8vo
collection, folder 1 Lbs 1158 8vo ÍBR 103 8vo
Bjami Þorsteinsson Lbs 1245 8vo ÍBR 111 8vo
collection, folder 6 Lbs 1262 8vo JS 1 4to
Lbs 52 fol Lbs 1294 8vo JS 3 4to
Lbs 186 4to Lbs 1422 8vo JS 138 4to
Lbs 249 4to Lbs 1485 8vo JS 253 4to
Lbs 462 4to Lbs 1526 8vo JS 643 4to
Lbs 551 4to Lbs 1536 8vo JS 138 8vo
Lbs 837 4to Lbs 1600 8vo JS 202 8vo
Lbs 847 4to Lbs 1825 8vo JS 229 8vo
Lbs 852 II 4to Lbs 2057 8vo JS 235 8vo
Lbs 885 4to Lbs 2194 8vo JS 446 8vo
Lbs 1027 4to ÍB 104 8vo JS 479 8vo
Lbs 1177 4to ÍB213 8vo Héraðsskjalasafn G-l/3
Lbs 1513 4to ÍB 300 8vo BLAdd 11.175
Lbs 1516 4to ÍB 323 8vo Boreal 109
Lbs 1529 4to ÍB 380 8vo Boreal 113
Lbs 1927 4to ÍB 659 8vo Adv 21.7.17
Lbs 495 8vo ÍB 660 8vo
Books and articles:
Ari Sæmundsen. Leiöarvísir til að spila á langspil og til að læra Sálmalög eptir nótum.
Akureyri, 1855.
Bergsagel, John. “The Practice of Cantus Planus Binatim in Scandinavia from the 12Ih
to 16lh Centuries.” In Le polifonie primitive in Friuli e in Europa, eds. Cesare Corsi
and Pierluigi Petrobelli. Rome: Torre D’Orfeo, 1989, 63-82.
Bjami Þorsteinsson. íslenzk þjóðlög. Copenhagen, 1906-1909.
Blankenburg, Walter. “Statius Olthof [Althof].” The New Grove Dictionary of Music
and Musicians, 2nd edition, eds. Stanley Sadie and John Tyrell, 29 vols. (London,
2001), vol. 18,402.
Buchanan, George. Psalmorum Davidis paraphrasis poetica. Herbom, 1610.
Daglegt Kvpld og Morgun-Offur. Hólar, 1780.
Daw, S. “German Lutheran Choirs of Bach’s Time: Their Constitution, Performance
Practice and Repertoire.” Organists' Review, April 1973, 14.
Eggen, Erik. “Islandische Volkslieder.” Zeitschrift fiir Musik 106 (1939), 935-936.
Eggert Ólafsson. Kvæði. Copenhagen, 1832.