Gripla - 01.01.2003, Page 145
Heilagra manna s0gur I. Udg. af C.R. Unger. Christiania, 1877.
Hándskriftet Nr. 2365 4to gl. kgl. Samling pá det store kgl. bihliothek i Kpbenhavn
(Codex Regius afden ældre Edda) i fototypisk og diplomatisk gengivelse. Udg.
ved Ludv. F.A. Wimmer og Finnur Jónsson. Kobenhavn, 1891.
Jón Helgason. 1970. Þriðji íhaldskarl. Fróöskaparrit 18:206-226.
Katrín Axelsdóttir. 2001. Nokkrar neitanir í forníslensku. Ritgerð til M.A.-prófs í
íslenskri málfræði. Háskóli íslands.
Lindblad, Gustav. 1954. Studier i Codex Regius av Áldre Eddan. Lund.
Louis-Jensen, Jonna, Stefán Karlsson. 1970. En marginal i Codex Regius af Den ældre
Edda. Opuscula IV:80-82.
Neckel, Gustav. 1915. Untersuchungen zur Eddakritik I. Beitráge zur Geschichte der
deutschen Sprache und Literatur XL:48-80.
Nygaard, M. (1906) 1966. Norrpn syntax. Oslo.
Nygaard, M. 1917. Bemerkninger, rettelser og supplementer til min norrpn syntax
(Kristiania 1905). Kristiania.
Ordbog over det norrpne prosasprog. Registre. Kpbenhavn, 1989.
Serlon de Wilton. 1965. Poémes latins. Publié par Jan Öberg. Stockholm, 1965.
Skjaldedigtning, sjá Finnur Jónsson.
Stefán Karlsson. 2000. Stafkrókar. Reykjavík.
Wimmer, Ludv. F.A. og Finnur Jónsson 1891. sjá Hándskriftet...
1. A considerable number of erasures occur in the manuscript of the Poetic Edda
(Codex Regius). They are of two kinds: (a) Words and letters, already corrected by the
scribe of the manuscript, have been erased as well as dittographs. (b) Other erasures.
According to Ludvig Wimmer and Finnur Jónsson, they were made by an ignorant
reader who indiscriminately deleted letters, syllables and words. It is not known when
this was done. 2. Of the latter kind, (b), there are 29 erasures. More than half affect the
ls' person clitic -k, alone or with a following negative sufftx (see Table 1). In most of
those cases, the 1SI person pronoun was also present. 3. A close examination of 11 cases
of the negative suffixes -a and -at shows that the erasures were made by a thoughtful
scholar with a particular interest in negations. Two of his corrections have even been
adopted by some modem editors. 4. Several other erasures also make sense and in
some cases it is possible to guess why they were made. 5. Amgrímur Brandsson
(-1361) was abbot of the Benedictine monastery of Þingeyrar 1350-1357 and 1358-
1361. There are some reasons to suppose that the erasures are his work.
Katrín Axelsdóttir
Heimspekideild Háskóla Islands
Nýja-Garði við Sæmundargötu
101 Reykjavík