Gripla - 01.01.2003, Page 161
Páll Eggert Ólason. 1944. Saga íslendinga 4: Sextánda öld. Menntamálaráð og Þjóð-
vinafélag, Reykjavík.
Páll Eggert Ólason. 1948-52. íslenzkar æviskrár 1-5. Hið íslenzka bókmenntafélag,
Reykjavík. [Páll Eggert Ólason 1949 = 2. bindi, 1949].
Skráyfir íslenzk handrit íDublin. I. I Trinity College. MS.L ... Misc. Vellum Deed.
Olafur Halldórsson tók saman. Vélritað handrit í vörslu Stofnunar Áma Magnús-
sonar í Reykjavík. [Reykjavtk 1967].
Stefán Karlsson (útg.). 1963. Islandske originaldiplomer indtil 1450. Tekst. Editiones
Amamagnæanæ, A, 7. Munksgaard, Kobenhavn.
Sveinn Níelsson. 1950. Prestatal og prófasta á Islandi. 2. útgáfa með viðaukum og
breytingum eftir dr. Hannes Þorsteinsson. Bjöm Magnússon sá um útgáfuna og jók
við. Hið íslenzka bókmenntafélag, Reykjavík.
Icelandic charters before 1570 are printed in Diplomatarium Islandicum (DI), and the
oldest charters (until 1450) were also edited diplomatically by Stefán Karlsson in
Islandske originaldiplomer indtil 1450. Since the publication of DI some previously
unknown charters have been discovered in archives, mostly in Iceland but also abroad.
Some of these were printed in the supplement to DI (1963) but a few charters from the
second half of the fifteenth century and from the sixteenth century remain unedited.
That situation needs to be remedied.
In this article the author edits and comments upon three charters which are
preserved in the British Isles, two in Ireland and one in England. The oldest charter
dates from 1485 and has not been edited before. It is a court verdict conceming
manslaughter, now preserved in Trinity College Library in Dublin (TCD MS 1944).
The second charter is also a legal document, dating from 1501 and concems the re-
imbursement of travel expenses to the bishop Gottskálk Nikulásson at Hólar. The
charter is now preserved in Þjóðskjalasafn Islands, formerly in the Chapter Library of
Wells Cathedral in Somerset. Its text was edited in DI VII no. 541 but from a seven-
teenth-century copy. The third document is a verdict from 1514 on inheritance claims
and the handling of a certain family’s property. It is preserved in Trinity College
Library in Dublin (TCD MS 1036 a). Another contemporary exemplar of the verdict
has been edited (DI VIII no. 402). The two exemplars are written by the same hand,
but there is nevertheless some discrepancy between them.
Veturliði Óskarsson
Kennaraháskóla Islands
við Stakkahlíð
105 Reykjavík