Gripla - 20.12.2015, Blaðsíða 64
1v20 habente(s) manus in celum] in caelum manus et N,s,P5
1v27 ducens] W,G,R,O,B1,B2,P3 docens N,s,v8,P5,A,P6
1v28 intacibili ore] W,G,v8,P5,R,B1, indesinenter P3,O,A,P6
It should be noted that both N and s conflate chapters 1 and 2 to a single
chapter, and that chapter headings in s do not appear consistently. Lbs
fragm 74 seems closer to the oldest manuscripts and to those preserved in
the South: Vienna, St. gall, and the Vatican (V8), though B2 could perhaps
be added to the latter group as well.
A comparison of the Basilius saga fragments and the 17-chapter Latin
versions not only strengthens the view that the 17-chapter text was indeed
used by the Icelandic translator, but also shows that the translator, while
following the text, did not adhere slavishly to his source. Entire sentences
are often omitted, presumably to move the narrative along. direct speech
is usually kept, which contributes to a lively narrative style, as does the
avoidance of Latinisms. the translator often adds explanations that the
reader might need, e.g.:
in partes caesariensium civitates=cesaream borg. I þeiri borg var þa
biskvps stoll heilags basilii (238, 2r17)
stipatores=manna er hesta hans gættv (238, 2r20)
ducebatur invictus=ok settiz i myrkvastofv ok fiotra (238, 2r10)
quae habebant unus quisque eorum in manibus=ok safnaðv af
gersimvm sinvm ok oðrvm fiarhlvtvm (238, 2v1)
Latin present participles are, of course, reformulated, usually as a simple
past: “ostendens=syndi” (238, 2r29), but occasionally as a past perfect:
“haec dicens=hafði þetta mællt” (238, 4r28) or as a historical present:
“Resurgens=spretr han up” (655, 1v18). At other times the translation can
be inexact: “ad consuetas orationes=a bænvm” (238, 4r20); “nusquam con-
paruit subito=siðan reið hann i brott sva at vær vissvm ecki hvat af honvm
varð” (238, 3r11). Below are four illustrative examples of the translator’s art
taken from longer passages that do not contain appreciable omissions.10
10 except for minor graphic variants, the text of Basilius saga cited below follows Morgen-
stern’s edition.
GRIPLA XXVI. - 12.12.B.indd 64 12/13/15 8:24:31 PM