Gripla - 20.12.2015, Blaðsíða 72
However, there are passages in the independent Icelandic miracle (the
longer Version II listed below with page and line from unger’s edition)
that could not have come from the saga (with ms. page and line).13 these
are given below, followed by Basilius saga (p. and l.), the vita (vienna ms.
4635 =W, + p. and l. ref. in Corona’s Ælfric=N), and the independent
miracle from Cotton Cleopatra C.x.=C (Neuhaus’ edition p. and l.).
II,699,17 for til bardaga mot Persis
saga, 2r16 ætlaði til serklands
W15v10 (N230,2) aduersus persas uenit
C23,42–43 aduersus Persas Caesaream
Cappadociae deuenisset
II,700,26 aa fiallinv
saga, 2v8 ---
W17r16 (N,231,33) in monte
C24,28 totum montem
II,701,2–3 þuilika vitran vm dauda juliani
sa Libanius sophistoquestor
ath tign, sem hann var i Perside
saga, 2v15 las hann davða ivliani niðings
W17v17–18r3 similem uero uisionem mortis iuliani
(N,231,44) uidit ipsa nocte et libanius sophista
cum esset cum eo in perside.
et quaestoris dignitatem perageret.
C24,34–36 Non imparem uero uisionem uidit
et Libanius sophista dum esset cum
tiranno in Persida. quaestoris
officium exequens.
With regard to the relationship of the Icelandic miracle to the Vita Basilii,
there are instances where the vita contains readings closer to version II
13 nor could it have derived from the better-known version in the Legenda Aurea. Aside from
obvious textual differences, the arrival of the Legenda Aurea in Iceland doubtless postdates
the oldest Icelandic manuscript 655. jacobus a voragine, Legenda aurea vulgo Historia
Lombardica dicta, ed. johann Graesse, 3rd edn. (1890; repr. osnabrück: Zeller, 1965),
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