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s U m m A R y
In this article a text and translation of Björn jónsson á skarðsá’s (1574–1655)
commentary to the riddles from Hervarar saga ok Heiðreks is presented. Björn was
one of the most respected scholars of his day, and his works were commissioned by
leading scholars and churchmen. Such may also be the case with his idiosyncratic
commentary on the ‘gátur gestumblinda’, which soon after its completion in 1641
was sent to ole Worm in Copenhagen. In the introduction to the text an analysis
of their various witnesses is presented, resulting in a stemma (filling out certain
ambiguities left over from Jón Helgason’s work on Hervarar saga). A discussion
of the circumstances of production is then given, followed by an assessment of
the techniques adopted within the commentary. of particular interest is Björn’s
penchant for locating etymological connections and identifying sound symbolism
in the choice of lexis used, an interpretative approach to medieval Icelandic poetry
which remains for the most part unconsidered today.
E f n I S Á g r I P
Lykilorð: fornaldarsögur, fræðilegar/lærðar skýringar vísa, gátur, Hervarar saga ok
Heiðreks konungs, viðtökur fornrits á 17. öld.
í þessari grein birtist texti og ensk þýðing á skýringum Björns jónssonar á
skarðsá (1574–1655) á gátum í Hervarar sögu og Heiðreks konungs. Björn var einn
virtasti fræðimaður sinnar tíðar og vann ýmis lærdómsverk að beiðni mikilsvirtra
fræðimanna og klerka. Sú gæti vel verið raunin með sérkennilegar skýringar hans
á Gátum Gestumblinda, sem sendar voru Ole Worm í kaupmannahöfn skömmu
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