

Læknablaðið - 01.06.2016, Blaðsíða 28

Læknablaðið - 01.06.2016, Blaðsíða 28
288 LÆKNAblaðið 2016/102 R A N N S Ó K N ENGLISH SUMMARY Introduction: Fasting is an important safety precaution for patients before surgery but studies indicate that excessive fasting is common. Explanations for this, including patient education related factors, are not well known. The aim of this study was to explore how long patients fast before surgery and what instructions they received, one year after the introduction of new guidelines for patients and professionals. Material and methods: This descriptive study was undertaken in a national, 660-bed university hospital in 2011. Data was collected from patient records and with questionnaires. Included were adult surgical patients having anaesthesia during a 5day period. Results: The sample consisted of 193 patients: 83% were scheduled for elective surgery and 86% returned questionnaires. Average fasting time was 13,6 (±3.0) hours for solid food and 8,8 (±4.5) hours for clear fluids. A quarter (27%) had received instructions according to guidelines and 45% were instructed to fast from midnight. Information was either written (18%), verbal (37%) or both (45%) and 46% of patients received information on the importance of fasting. Patients scheduled for morn- ing surgery fasted for a shorter time than afternoon patients (p<0.05). Patients who received both verbal and written information fasted shorter on clear fluids (p<0.001) than others. Conclusions: The fasting of surgical patients before their operation is unnecessarily long and they do not get uniform instructions. This warrants further exploration. There is a need for staff to coordinate instructional practices, to involve patients more in their own care with consistent information and comprehensive education and assist them in reducing fasting on clear fluids after hospital admission. Preoperative fasting: Instructions to patients and length of fasting – a prospective, descriptive survey Brynja Ingadottir1,2, Anna Maria Olafsdottir1, Herdis Sveinsdottir1,2, Lara Borg Asmundsdottir1, Lilja Asgeirsdottir1, Margret Sjofn Torp1, Elin J.G. Hafsteinsdottir3 1Landspitali University Hospital, Surgical services, 2Faculty of Nursing, School of Health Sciences, University of Iceland, 3Landspitali University Hospital Department of Research and Development. Key words: preoperative fasting, patient education, surgery, surgical patients. Correspondence: Brynja Ingadóttir, brynjain@landspitali.is Heimildir 1. Stuart PC. The evidence base behind modern fasting guidelines. Best Pract Res Anaesthesiol 2006; 20: 457-69. 2. Levy DM. Pre-operative fasting—60 years on from Mendelson. Contin Educ Anaesthesia, Crit Care Pain 2006; 6: 215-8. 3. American Society of Anaesthesiology (ASA). 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Rannsóknastofnun í hjúkrunarfræði við Háskóla Íslands og Landspítala Háskólasjúkrahús, Reykjavík 2009: 23-36. 20. Ólafsdóttir AM, Ásgeirsdóttir L. Fasta fyrir skurðaðgerð “ekkert eftir miðnætti” - gömul klisja. Tímarit hjúkrunar- fræðinga 2010; 4: 34-6. 21. Karadağ M, İşeri ÖP. Determining Health Personnel’s Application Trends of New Guidelines for Preoperative Fasting: Findings From a Survey. J Peri Anesthesia Nurs 2014; 29: 175-84. 22. Rycroft-Malone J, Seers K, Crichton N, Chandler J, Hawkes CA, Allen C, et al. A pragmatic cluster randomis- ed trial evaluating three implementation interventions. Implement Sci 2012; 7: 80. 23. Fredericks S, Guruge S, Sidani S, Wan T. Postoperative patient education: A systematic review. Clin Nurs Res 2010; 19: 144-64. 24. Friedman AJ, Cosby R, Boyko S, Hatton-Bauer J, Turnbull G. Effective teaching strategies and methods of delivery for patient education: A systematic review and practice guideline recommendations. J Cancer Educ 2011; 26: 12-21. 25. Khoyratty S, Din AH, Spendlove R, Teehan M, Arhi C, Modi BN, et al. The impact of discussing preoperative fasting with patients. J Perioper Pract 2011; 21: 284-6. gefa þeim kolvetnaríka drykki þar til tveir tímar eru til aðgerðar. Áhugavert væri að fylgja þessari rannsókn eftir með því að kanna hvaða leiðbeiningar sjúklingar fá í dag, hversu mikið seinkun á aðgerðaráætlun skýrir langa föstu og hvaða skýringar sjúklingar gefa varðandi lengd föstunnar. Þakkir Sjúklingum sem tóku þátt í þessari rannsókn eru færðar bestu þakkir svo og starfsfólki skurðlækningasviðs Landspítala sem aðstoðaði við gagnasöfnun, og Jeannette T. Crenshaw sem veitti ráðgjöf við gerð spurningalistans.
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