Orð og tunga - 08.07.2019, Síða 65
Orð og tunga 21 (2019), 53–74. © Stofnun Árna Magnússonar í íslenskum
fræðum, Reykjavík.
Yuki Minamisawa
Metaphor and Collocation.
The Case of reiði
1 Introduction
This paper investigates metaphorical expressions of anger in Icelan-
dic (reiði),1 based on conceptual metaphor theory (Lakoff & Johnson
1980, see section 2.1). In recent years, many studies have been car-
ried out to describe how we understand emotions using conceptual
metaphors. Special att ention has been paid to the emotion of anger,
for which a certain number of conceptual metaphors have been pro-
posed (e.g. Kövecses 1990, 2000; Lakoff 1987). Recently, studies have
increasingly focused on cross-linguistic similarities and diff erences
(e.g. Kövecses 1995, 2005; Matsuki 1995, Soriano 2003), fi nding more
or less similar conceptual metaphors in diff erent languages.
However, such studies have focused primarily on languages lin-
guistically distant from English, not on languages linguistically close
to English. In previous studies, not much discussion has been devot-
ed to Icelandic, (e.g. Þó rhallur Eyþó rsson 2012, Penas Ibá ñ ez & Erla
Erlendsdó tt ir 2015). The reasoning behind this may be an assumption
that linguistically related languages likely have similar conceptual
metaphors. However, since Icelandic and English are two diff erent
languages, belonging, to some extent, to diff erent cultures, various
diff erences might be found at a detailed level.
1 In this article, the Icelandic anger is writt en as reiði to diff erentiate it from the
English anger. Conceptual metaphors are capitalized and referred to either as
conceptual metaphors or metaphors. A linguistic instantiation of a conceptual
metaphor is referred to as a metaphorical expression.
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