Orð og tunga - 08.07.2019, Side 75
Yuki Minamisawa: Metaphor and Collocation 63
Among the signifi cant metaphorical collocates, the verb ólga tops
the list:
(6) a. Reiðin ólgaði í brjósti Magnúsar.
anger.the stirred in breast Magnús’s
‘The anger stirred in Magnús’s breast’ (BAEKUR-B2X)
b. Ég fann reiði ólga inni í mér.
I found anger stir inside in me
‘I felt anger stirring inside of me’ (BAEKUR-B0K)
The verb ólga is defi ned in ÍN as vera ókyrr ‘be moving, unquiet’ and
does not seem to be categorized into any specifi c metaphor, unlike the
verb sjóða ‘boil, seethe’ in the fluid metaphor, or blossa ‘blaze’ in the
fire metaphor. Nevertheless, ólga oft en co-occurs with phrases that
imply the body as a container: í brjósti Magnúsar ‘in Magnús’s breast’
(6a) and inni í mér ‘inside of me’ (6b). Furthermore, the verb can rep-
resent the active state of a fl uid and is thus not inconsistent with the
fluid metaphor.
When all of the signifi cant metaphorical collocates are categorized
into various metaphors, they comprise Table 3.
Metaphor Signifi cant Collocates N
fl uid krauma_V, gjósa_V, útrás_S, fylla_V, sjóða_V,
hella_V, innri_A, renna_V
8 61.5%
fi re blossa_V 1 7.7%
animal vekja_V 1 7.7%
Others ólga_V, brjóta_V, beina_V 3 23.1%
Total 13
Table 3. Signifi cant metaphorical collocates of reiði/bræði.
Table 3 clearly shows that most of the signifi cant metaphorical collo-
cates go into the fluid metaphor, with 8 of 13 collocates related to this
metaphor. The fire metaphor and the animal metaphor have only
one signifi cant collocate each. The verb brjóta ‘break’ co-occurs with
reiði oft en in the form of brjótast út ‘break out’. This phrase is some-
times used together with gos ‘eruption’ and eldur ‘fi re’, so it might
seem that it is related to either the fluid metaphor or the fire meta-
phor. However, as the phrase brjótast út also co-occurs with other ca-
tastrophes such as stríð ‘war’ and átök ‘confl ict’, the present analysis
signifi cant collocate. However, it can be subsumed under the fl uid metaphor, and
this is entirely compatible with the results.
tunga_21.indb 63 19.6.2019 16:55:58