Orð og tunga - 08.07.2019, Side 145
Ari Páll Kristinsson: Um greiningu á málstöðlun og málstefnu 133
(1a) Hinn skrásett i málstaðall, þ.e. sú málnotkun sem sýnd er í (vís-
andi) orðabókum, málfræðibókum og kennslubókum; e. Language
codifi ers: language codex (Ammon 2015); Linguistic codex (Ammon 2003).
(1b) Fólk sem hefur í einhverjum skilningi vald til að leiðrétta mál far
annarra og er þar m.a. átt við kennara; e. Language-norm authorities:
language corrections (Ammon 2015); Language-norm authorities: correc-
tions (Ammon 2003). Þennan þátt líkansins skýrir Ammon (2015:63–
64) m.a. þannig:
Any individual who has the power, however established,
to eff ectively correct other individuals’ speech or writing
is a language-norm authority, like for example any grand-
mother vis-à-vis her grandchildren or any older vis-à-vis her
younger siblings. For standard varieties there are, however
[…] professional language-norm authorities with language
correction as part of their professional tasks, like school
teachers, radio and TV directors, copy editors and also supe-
riors in offi ces, especially of the state administration, but also
in private companies. They are typically not only entitled to
correct their language-norm subjects’ language behaviour,
but even obliged to do so.
(1c) Málnotkun einstaklinga eða höfunda sem hafðir eru sem ein hvers
konar fyrirmynd sem og málfarið í töluðum og rituðum textum sem
nýtt ir eru sem fyrirmyndir; e. Model-speakers and model-authors: model
texts (Ammon 2015); Professional speakers/writers: model texts (Ammon
2003). Þetta skýrir Ammon (2015:58) nánar:
The public sphere is […] naturally one of the primary arenas
where the norms of standard varieties become established.
The social forces which play a major role in this arena are
what I call the model speakers and authors […]. Their main
members are, as a rule, professional speakers and authors
in the mass media: newsreaders and journalists for major,
especially national, radio and TV channels or newspapers
and journals. They produce the model texts. They confi rm
the existing standard variety norms on the one hand, but are
the sources of new norms or of norm changes on the other
(1d) Mat sérfræðinga um málfræði og málnotkun; e. Language ex-
tunga_21.indb 133 19.6.2019 16:56:13