Heilbrigðisskýrslur - 01.12.1932, Blaðsíða 147
Public Health in Iceiand 1932. — A Summary.
1. In 1932 thc clinmtic conditions were on the whole favourable. The
ntmospheric pressnre in the whole country was 1,0 mm. ahove the
average. The mcnn temperature of the air was 1,5° above the average.
The rainfall was 9% above the average.
Nature conditions were highly favourahle lo the industries of the
country, hut the economic depression hecame still heavier than before
and thc industries suffered greatly. The farming industry was parti-
cularly hard hit by the constantly falling prices of farm products.
Vnemployment was more extensiye than before and the economic
status of the people was at a low el)l), although this did not seem to
affect the general health conditions, which were above the average.
2. Population, births and denths. The populntion was on December
31st 1932 111555, including Reykjavik 30565 (1931: 109719 and
28847). The mnrriage rnte was 6,1 (6,2), thc birth rnte 24,3 (25,6)
and death ratc 10,8 (11,7) per 1000 inhabitants. Infnnt mortality was
45,4 (49,4) per 1000 horn alive.
General death rate has only once hefore heen so low (in 1928). In-
fant mortality Avas also near to the minimum ever reached, having'
however twice heen lower (in 1930 45,2%, and in 1929 43,0%o).
3. Causes of death are shown on pages 9—11.
The ten following are Ihe most common:
%„ of %o of the
Number deaths population
Tuberculosis (all forms) 220 184,7 2,0
Old Age llifi 139,4 1,5
Cancer — Malignant Growths 1 :í9 116,7 1,2
Pneumonia (lobar and lobular) 107 89,8 1,0
Diseases of the Heart 104 87,3 0,9
Apoplexy 78 65,5 0,7
Accidents (all forms) 53 44,5 0,5
Premature Birtli and Debility of Ne\vborn . 27 22,7 0,2
Scarlet Fever 17 14,3 0,2
Nephritis 17 14,3 0,2
Other and Unknown Causes 263 220,8 2,4
4. Epidemic diseases. The incidence in tables II, III and IV, 1 25. of epidemic diseases is shown
The following table shows the incidence of epidemie d iscases in
1923—1932 as also the aggregate numher of deaths from each disease
during the same period.