Arkitektúr og skipulag - 01.04.1992, Side 90
Rotunda. Mario Botta.
Listamannaskáli í Laugardal. Tryggvi Tryggvason.
You can judge how bad the 70’s were
when you look at its super tense architec-
Opinion polls and a complacent democ-
racy live behind Biedermeier facades.
But we dont want to build Biedermeier.
Not now and at no other time.
We are tired of seeing Palladio and other
historical masks.
Because we don’t want architecture to
exclude everything that is disquieting.
We want architecture to have more.
Architecture that bleeds, that exhausts,
that whirls and even breaks. Architec-
ture that lights up, that stings, and under
stress tears.
Architecture should be cavernous, fiery,
smooth, hard, angular, brutál, round,
delicate, colourfull obscene, voluptuous,
dreamy, alluring, repelling, wet, dry and
throbbing. Alive or dead. Cold - then
cold as block of ice. Hot - then hot as a
blazing wing.
Architecture must blaze. ■