Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1995, Blaðsíða 122
Bloch, D. 1994. Pilot whales in the North Atlantic.
Age, growth and social structure in Faroese grinds
of the long-finned pilot whale, Globicephala
melas. PhD thesis, the University of Lund, Sweden.
Bloch, D. and Mourier, H. 1994. Pests recorded in the
Faroe Islands, 1986-1992. Fróðskaparrit 41
(1993): 69-82.
Boldreel, L.O., Andersen, M.S., Hultberg, S.U.,
Dinesen, A., Waagstein, R., Kiørboe, L., Heine-
sen, M. and Olafsson, A. 1994. Færøeme, geologi
og olie: Temanummer. DGU-information dec.
Desportes, G., Andersen, L.W. and Bloch, D. 1994.
Variation in foetal and postnatal sex ratios in long-
finned pilot whales. Ophelia 39(3): 183-196.
Desportes, G., Andersen, L.W. and Bloch, D. 1994.
Variation in foetal and postnatal sex ratios in long-
finned pilot whales. European Research on Ceta-
ceans. Proc. 8th Ann. Conf. European Cetacean
Society, Montpellier, France, 2-5 March, 1994:
Desportes, G., Andersen, L.W., Aspholm, P.E.,
Bloch, D. and Mouritsen, R. 1994. A note about a
male-only pilot whale school observed in the Faroe
Islands. Fróðskaparrit 40 (1992): 31-37.
Desportes, G. Bloch, D., Andersen, L.W. and Mou-
ritsen, R. 1994. The intemational research program-
me on the ecology and status of the long-finned pilot
whale off the Faroe Islands: Presentation, results
and references. Fróðskaparrit 40 (1992): 9-29.
Gautason, B., Meuhlenbachs, K., Heinesen, M. and
Wágstein, R. 1994. Oxygen isotopic composition
of basalts from the Faroe Islands; evidence for long
lived isotopic anomalies in the Icelanđ mantle
plume. EOS, transactions. American Geophysical
Union 75(44 suppl.): 728.
Jóhansen, J. 1994. Edition and translation of: Peter-
sen, J.H., Rald, E. and Vesterholt, J. 1994. Før-
oyskir soppar. Føroya Skúlabókagrunnur. 1-171.
Jóhansen, J. 1994. Medicinal and Other Useful Plants
in the Faroe Islands before AD 1800. Botanical
Journal of Scotland. 46: 611-616.
Jóhansen, J. 1994. Jóannes Rasmussen 1912-1992.
Fróðskaparrit 41 (1993): 5-7.
Fláøyen, A., Jóhansen, J. and Olsen, J. 1994.
Narthecium ossifragum-associated photozensitiza-
tion in sheep in the Faroe Islands. Fróðskaparrit 41
(1993): 103-106.
Kaaber, S., Gjelstrup, P., Bloch, D. and Jensen, J.-
K. 1994. Invasion af admiralen (Vanessa atalanta
L. ) og andre sommerfugle pá Færøeme i 1992.
Fróðskaparrit 41 (1993): 125-149.
Skov, H., Durinck, J., Danielsen, F. and Bloch, D.
1994. The summer distribution of Procellarii-
formes in the central North Atlantic Ocean. Die
Vogelwarte 37: 270-289.
Heilsufrøðiligu Starvstovan -
Food and Environmental Agency
Debessartrøð, FR-100 Tórshavn
Hanusardóttir, M. 1994. Eitt sindur um Salmonellu.
Frøði 3: 32.
Landsdjóralæknin -
Head of Faroese veterinarians
FR-410 Kollafjørður
Fláøyen, A., Jóhansen, J. and Olsen, J. 1994.
Narthecium ossifragum-associated
photozensitization in sheep in the Faroe Islands.
Fróðskaparrit 41 (1993): 103-106.
Sjúkrahúsverk Føroya -
Faroese National Hospital
Sigmundargøta 5, FR-100 Tórshavn
Dalgárd, C., Grandjean, P., Jørgensen, P.J. and
Weihe, P. 1994. Mercury in the umbilical cord:
Implications for risk assessment for Minimata
disease. Environmental Health Perspectives 102:
Grandjean, P., Jørgensen, P.J. and Weihe, P. 1994.
Human milk as a source of methylmercury
exposure in infants. Environmental Health
Perspectives 102: 74-77.
Grandjean, P., Weihe, P. and Nielsen, J.B. 1994.
Methylmercury: Significance of intrauterine and
postnatal exposure. Clin. Chem. 40: 1395-1400.
Onnur -
Other scientists in and outside the Faroes
working with Faroese projects
Almquist, B. 1994. Fípan fagra och Drósin á Girtlandi.
Fróðskaparrit 42: 85-102.
Alver, B. 1994. Det norrøne folkeviseomrádet og
Færøyene. Fróðskaparrit 42: 67-70.