Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - 01.01.1955, Blaðsíða 113
Bulletin of the History of Medicine, vol. XXVII,
no. 1). 1953. 8vo.
— Halldór Kiljan Laxness. Scripta islandica 3,
1952. Uppsala [19521. 8vo.
— Hexameter in Icelandic literature. — Modern
Language Notes, May 1953. 8vo.
-— Jóhannesson, Alexander. Islandisches etymo-
logisches Wörterbuch. A. Franke AG. Verlag,
Bern. Erste Lieferung, 1951. Zweite und dritte
Lieferung, 1952. Pp. 400 (to be continued).
[Ritd.l. — Scandinavian Studies, vol. 25, no. 4.
1953. 8vo.
— Lækningar-Curationes-séra Þorkels Arngríms-
sonar. Skýrt hefur Vilmundur Jónsson land-
læknir. Reykjavík, Helgafell 1949. 511 pp.
[Ritd.l (Repr. frorn Bulletin of the History of
Medicine, vol. XXVII, no. 5). 1953. 8vo.
— Old English ent: Icelandic Enta. Modern Lan-
guage Notes, 1952. 8vo.
— Skúli V. Guðjónsson: Manneldi og heilsufar í
fornöld. Reykjavík, ísafoldarprentsmiðja, 1949.
262 pp. [Ritd.l. (Reprinted from Bulletin of the
History of Medicine, vol. XXVII, no. 2). 1953.
— Sturluson, Snorri. Heimskringla III. Islenzk
fornrit XXVIII. Bjarni Aðalbjarnarson gaf út.
Reykjavík, Hið íslenzka Fornritafélag, MCMLI.
Pp. CXV + 471, three maps, and many illus-
trations. [Ritd.l — Scandinavian Studies, vol.
25, no. 2. 1953. 8vo.
— Vaxelsáng i Widsíþ (?), Sturlunga och Finland.
Sártryck ur Budkavlen, no. 1—4, 1951. Ábo
1952. 8vo.
ELDJÁRN, KRISTJÁN. Et nyt sölvfund pá Is-
land. [Særtrykl. Kbh. ál. 8vo.
EYDAL, ÁSTVALDUR. Nágra drag i Islands nár-
ingsliv av i dag. Sártryck ur Ymer, h. 1. Sth.
1949. 8vo.
FACTS ABOUT AKUREYRl. Photos by E. Sigur-
geirsson. Ak. [1952]. 8vo.
versary, 1878—1953. Wpg. [19531. 8vo.
FISHER, JAMES. The fulmar. With a painting by
Peter Scott. — The New Naturalist. London
1952. 8vo.
Icelandic Bank of Developement. Passed by the
Althing on February 2, 1953. Translation. Rvík
[19531. 8vo.
FREEDOM AND WELFARE. Social patterns in
the Northern Countries of Europe. Edited by
George R. Nelson, Danmark. Assisted by Aune
Makinen-Ollinen, Finland; Sverrir Thorbjörns-
son, Iceland; Kaare Salvesen, Norway; Göran
Tegner, Sweden. Sponsored by the Ministries of
Social Affairs of Denmark, Finland, Iceland,
Norway, Sweden. [Kbh.l 1953. 8vo.
[FRIÐRIKSSON, FRIÐRIKI Friderici Friderici.
Oratio gratulatoria ad studiosos artium quin-
quagenarios in gratam memoriam eorum in
Scholam Reykjavikensem admissionis anno
millesimo nongentesimo habita in festo semise-
culari, magna cum hilaritate celebrato in aula
athletica nivalium cursorum, pridie kal. julias
millesimo nongentesimo quinquagesimo. [Rvík
19521. 4to.
REN. Die Islándersagas vom Skalden Egil, den
Lachswassertal-Leuten und Grettir dem Geách-
teten. Unter Zugrundelegung von Felix Nied-
ner, Rudolf Meissner und P. Herrmann her-
ausgegeben von Konstantin Reichardt. Jena
1936. 8vo.
GEYSIR, Mannskoret, Akureyri. Sangerferd til
Norge i mai 1952. Ak. 1952. 8vo.
GÍSLASON, BJARNI M. Jörgen Bukdahl. Euro-
pæeren og Brobyggeren. Kbh. 1949. 8vo.
GRAHAM, W. A. G„ J. W. T. SPINKS and T.
THORVALDSON. The mechanism of the hyd-
ration of tricalcium siliciate and [J-diacalcium
siliciate. Reprinted from Canadian Journal of
Chemistry, 32. 1954. 8vo.
GRAS, E. J. De noordse Loki-mythen in hun onder-
ling verband. — Nederlandsche bijdragen op
het gebied van germaansche philologie en lin-
guistiek, II. Haarlem 1931. 8vo.
GUÐMUNDSSON, JÓNAS. What is the signific-
ance of August 20, 1953? Translatet (sic) from
the Februarv issue 1953 of Dagrenning. Rvík
1953. 8vo.
— Goldsmanns Taschenbúcher, Band 314.
Múnchen 1953. 8vo.
— Morgen des Lebens. -— Goldmanns Taschen-
búcher, Reihe: Unterhaltung, Band 304. Mún-
chen 1953. 8vo.
GUNNARSSON, GUNNAR. Advent. Översáttning
av Stellan Arvidson. Sth. 1953. 8vo.