

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1990, Qupperneq 11

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1990, Qupperneq 11
Þetta eru stærstu kristallar sem kunn- ugt er um hér á landi. Fundist hafa jaspísmolar sem eru enn stærri, en jaspís er safn smásærra kvarskristalla, eins og kunnugt er, og getur því ekki keppt við aragónítið að þessu leyti. Af öðrum svæðum þar sem fallegt og stórt aragónít hefur fundist má helst nefna nágrenni Siglufjarðar, Norðurárdal í Borgarfirði og fjalllend- ið á milli Hnappadals og Norðurárdals á Vesturlandi. ÞAKKIR Magnús Sigurgeirsson greindi sex sýni í röntgentækjum Jarðfræðahúss Háskóla ís- lands, og Sigurður Sveinn Jónsson tók myndir þær er fylgja greininni. HEIMILDIR Gibson, I.L., D.J.J. Kinsman & G.P.L. Walker 1966. Geology of the Fáskrúðs- fjörður area, eastern Iceland. Vísinda- félag íslendinga, Greinar IV, 2. 1-52. Guðmundur Jónsson 1945. Skaftfellskar þjóðsögur og sagnir. Marteinn Skaft- fells tók saman. Bókaverslun Guð- mundar Gamalíelssonar, Reykjavík. 324 bls. Klein, C. & C.S. Hurlbut 1985. Manual of Mineralogy (after J.D. Dana)../. Wiley & Sons, New York. 596 bls. Sveinn P. Jakobsson 1980. Ágrip um berg- fræði íslands. Jökull 29. 96-99. Walker, G.P.L. 1960. Zeolite zones and dike distribution in relation to the structure of the basalts of eastern Ice- land. Journal of Geology 68. 515-528. SUMMARY Aragonite from Hólsvör, Stöðvarfjörður, E Iceland by Sveinn P. Jakobsson Icelandic Museum of Natural History P.O. Box 5320 IS-125 REYKJAVÍK Iceland An exceptional collection of large ara- gonite crystals from Hólsvör, Stöðvar- fjörður, was presented as a gift to the Mu- seum. It was discovered by a local ama- teur mineralogist in a crevasse in a basaltic lava from the Upper Miocene. The collec- tion is made up of 53 pieces, the largest of which is 65 cm across. Single crystals of aragonite average between 10 and 20 cm in length, the longest measuring 26 cm. Measurements of crystal angles perpen- dicular to the c-axis indicates aragonite; however, x-ray diffraction determinations show that the main part of each crystal group is calcite. The crystals are therefore in the main calcite pseudomorphs after aragonite, except the core, which is still aragonite. The aragonite crystals are coated with alternating layers of calcite and opal. An interesting feature is the presence of a few aragonite crystals which were broken, pre- sumably in a tectonic event, and then ce- mented by Iayers of calcite with dissemi- nated pyrite. The main localities for aragonite in Ice- land are briefly mentioned. The most fa- mous locality is without doubt Hoffellsfjall in Hornafjörður, SE Iceland. Both arago- nite and calcite were mined at this locality for industrial use, for example between the two world wars. 5
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