

Vikan - 17.05.1973, Síða 14

Vikan - 17.05.1973, Síða 14
CHUCK BERRY Þa5 var I Toronto, 13. september 1969. Þar voru saman komnar allar rokkhetjur fyrri tima, Chuck Berry, Bo Diddeley, Bill Hayley og Jerry Lewis. Halda átti hljómleika, sem John Lennon, X bitill, haföi skipulagt. Ahorfendur uröu 50.000 á þessum rokkhljómleikum sem veröa liklega einhverjir eftirminni- legustu rokkhljómleikar i lengri tlma. Þar slógu gömlu hetjurnar aftur i gegn. Það var komin ný kynslóð handa þeim til aö leika og syngja fyrir. Siöan þá hefur Chuck Berry verið á þeysingi, og hefur nú i vetur átt nokkrar litlar plötur ofarlega^i efstu sætum vinsældalista i Bandarikjunum og Evrópu. Þaö er stutt siöan piatan ,,My Ding-A-Ling”, var i efsta sæti vinsældalistans bæöi vestan hafs og austan. Svo var þaö Reelin and Rockin, dæmigerður texti I samræmi vdö tiöarandann og lagið verður vinsælt. Hérna birtist textinn við Reelin and Rockin. Þegar jafn frumlegur listamaður og Chuck Berry er meö I spilinu, þarf engan að undra, þótt lag öölist vinsældir. Gamli Chuck blivur .... edvard sverrísson 3m músík með meiru REELING' & ROCKING' Recorded by CHUCK BERRY on Chess Words & music: Chuck Berry. Sometimes I will, then again I think I won’t Sometimes I will, then again I think I won't. Sometimes I do. then again I think I don't. Looked at the clock and it was almost one, I said, "Come on baby let's have us some fun,” and we reeled, Reelin' and rockin’ and rollin’, child Reelin’ and rockin’, Rollin’ till the break of dawn. • Looked at my watch and it was quarter to two, You know she said she didn’t, but I know she do, and we reeled, Reelin' and rockin’ and rollin', we were Reelin’ and rockin' Rollin’ till the break of dawn. Looked at my watch and it was quarter to three, She said "Wait a minute Chúck, l gotta go. Bring me a Popcola, please" Looked at the clock and it was almost four. you know she Turned me around and said to me, "Do it some more", and I rocked, Well, child we were reelin’, rockin’ and rollin’ down Reelin’ and a-rockin' Rollin’ till the break of dawn. Looked at my watch and ti was quarter to five A rollin’ like a mustang on a four-day drive, and I reeled, Looked at my watch and it was quarter to six, Finally got it fixed and I reeled, Yeah I was rollin’, rockin’, we were Reelin’ and rockin' Rollin till'the break of dawn. Looked at my watch and it was quarter past seven That’s when we rolled up and took off for heaven Watch out, we were reelin’, rockin’ and rollin’ now Reelin’ and rollin’ Rocking till the break of dawn. Looked at my watch and it was quarter to eight, you know she Made a little move ar.d made me stretch out straight. Yeah We were rockin’, Wow! Eh! oh! ooh! Looked at my watch and it was quarter to nine, she said "Ooh Chuck baby this sure feel fine" All the time we were reelin’ and rockin’ and rollin’ child Reelin’ and rockin’ Rollin’ till the break of dawn. Looked at my watch and it was quarter to ten, you know she Got me right back and made me do it again. Well we were reelin’ and rockin' and rollin’. We were Reelin’ and rockin’ Rollin till the break of dawn. Looked at my watch and it was eleven thirty She turned back and called me something dirty. You know why? You know why? You know why? I ain't gonna tell you why! Looked at my watch and it was straight on twelve Man we started diggin’ like an old steam shovel. We were reelin’, Rockin', we were rollin’, we were reelin’. We were Reelin’, rockin’ Rollin’ till the break of dawn. 14 VIKAN 20. TBL.



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