Gripla - 01.01.1982, Qupperneq 195
(25) AM 561 4° (Reykdœla saga, Ljósvetninga saga, and Gull-Þóris
saga). Written about 1400 (Kálund). Contains biær 38vl4 = 269.10
(the reference is to manuscript and to ed.Guðmundur Þorláksson 1880)
and biæði 25vl2 = 28.13 (bi not clear; the reference is to the manu-
script and to ed. Kálund 1898). Nothing is known about the pro-
venance of 561, except that its contents point to the northern region,
and that it was once in the possession of the Hólar bishop Þorlákur
Skúlason (seventeenth century), see ed. Guðmundur Þorláksson 1880:
XXIV and ed. Kálund 1898:11.
(26) AM 732 b 4° (miscellaneous contents). Written at the beginning
of the fourteenth century (Kálund). Contains viætti ‘píslarvætti’ 7r2 =
CVI, 61, and biæði 4vl6 = 60 (the references are to the manuscript
and to Konráð Gíslason 1846). 732 b has probably been written with
the same hand as AM 415 4° (Munch 1873:319 f.).
(27) Perg. fol. nr. 12, fragment VI (one folio of Barlaams saga and
Josaphats). Written in the former half of the fourteenth century (ed.
Rindal 1981:*32 with references). Contains vienaztu (not clear) rb21,
vienn va7, viena va25, nier gongul vb29.
(28) Perg. 4:o nr. 18 (Heiðarvíga saga, Gunnlaugs saga, and other
material). Written in the middle of the fourteenth century (ed. Finnur
Jónsson 1916). Contains uiænleik 14r23 = 8.2, 20rl5 = 38.1, viæna
13r22-23 = 4.7, viænu 20r27 = 39.8, uiænleiks 20v31 = 42.8, Uiæn
21r6 = 43.1 (the references are to the manuscript and to ed. Finnur
Jónsson 1916, cf. also ibidem p. VII), kaupbiænum llv3 = 105.15,
biæði 12rl2.13 = 107.13.15 (the references of the last three examples
are to the manuscript and to ed. Kálund 1904, cf. also ibidem p.XXIV).
Conclusions concerning the manuscripts that have so far not been
located. Six manuscripts containing iæ-spellings have so far not been
located, nor will any attempt be made here to determine the place of
their origin (except that I venture to suggest that the existence of iæ-
spellings in (23)-(28) above indicates weakly the possibility that they
are of northern origin, or less likelv, stem from the Breiðafjörður
region). The six manuscripts are mostly sagas in contents. All but one,
AM 180 b fol., were written in the fourteenth century: AM 732 b 4°,
from the beginning of the century, is the oldest one, whereas AM 396
4° and AM 561 4°, from about 1400, are the youngest ones. AM 180
b fol. has been dated to about 1500; as indicated sub (23) above, the