Gripla - 01.01.1982, Síða 355
8. Bjarni Einarsson. Litterære forudsætninger for Egils saga. 1975. 299 bls. (The
literary background to Egils saga. Pp. 299.)
9. Ian J. Kirby. Biblical Quotation in Old Icelandic-Norwegian Religious Litera-
ture. Vol. I: Text. 1976. xvj, 403 bls. (Pp. xvi, 403.)
10. Ian J. Kirby. Biblical Quotation in Old Icelandic-Norwegian Religious Litera-
ture. Vol. II: Introduction. 1980. xvj, 288 bls. (Pp. xvi, 288.)
11. Miðaldaævintýri þýdd úr ensku. Einar G. Pétursson bjó til prentunar (Medi-
eval exempla translated from English). 1976. cxx, 108 bls., (2) myndasíður.
(Pp. cxx, 108, (2) plates.)
12. Sjötíu ritgerðir helgaðar Jakobi Benediktssyni 20. júlí 1977. Ritstjórar: Einar
G. Pétursson, Jónas Kristjánsson (Seventy Essays in Honor of Jakob Bene-
diktsson). 1977. xvj, 831 bls. (í tveimur bókum). (Pp. xvi, 831 (in two vols).)
13. Two Versions of Snorra Edda from the 17th Century. Vol. I. Edda Magnúsar
Ólafssonar (Laufás Edda). Ed. by Anthony Faulkes. 1979. 509 bls. (Pp. 509.)
14. Two Versions of Snorra Edda from the 17th Century. Vol. II: Edda Islando-
rum. Völuspá — Hávamál. P. H. Resen’s Editions of 1665. Printed in facsim-
ile with introduction by Anthony Faulkes. 1977. 106 bls., (446) bls. ljósprent.
(Pp. 106, (446) in facsimile.)
15. Hallfreðar saga. Bjarni Einarsson bjó til prentunar. 1977. cxliv, 116 bls. (Pp.
cxliv, 116.)
16. Gripla II. Ritstjóri Jónas Kristjánsson. 1977. 213 bls. (Pp. 213.)
17. Álfrún Gunnlaugsdóttir. Tristán en el Norte. 1978. 366 bls. (Pp. 366.)
18. Gripla III. Ritstjóri Jónas Kristjánsson. 1979. 249 bls. (Pp. 249.)
19. Gripla V. Ritstjóri Jónas Kristjánsson. 1980. 354 bls. (Pp. 354.)
20. Hálfs saga ok Hálfsrekka. Herausgegeben von Hubert Seelow. 1981. 214 bls.
(Pp. 214.)
21. Lárus Blöndal. Uppruni Sverris sögu (The Origin of Sverris saga). 1982. xij,
220 bls. (Pp. xii, 220.)
22. Vésteinn Ólason. The Traditional Ballads of Iceland. Historical Studies. 1982.
418 bls. (Pp. 418.)
23. Gripla V. Ritstjóri Jónas Kristjánsson. 1983. 349 bls. (Pp. 349.)
D. ÍSLENZK HANDRIT (Facsimile editions of manuscripts)
I fólíó (Series in folio):
I. íslendingabók Ara fróða, AM 113a and 113b, fol. With an introduction (in
Icelandic and English) by Jón Jóhannesson. 1956. xxviij bls., (42) bls. ljósprent
handrita. Uppseld. (Pp. xxviii, (42) plates. Out of print.)
II. Early Icelandic Script as Illustrated in Vernacular Texts from the Twelfth and
Thirteenth Centuries. By Hreinn Benediktsson. 1965. 97 bls., 78 ljósprentuð
sýnishorn handrita, lix bls. (Pp. 97, lix; 78 plates.)
III. Landnámabók. Ljósprentun handrita. Jakob Benediktsson ritaði inngang.
1974. xlviij bls., 662 bls. ljósprent handrita. (A facsimile edition of all the
main manuscripts of Landnámabók with an introduction in Icelandic and
English by Jakob Benediktsson. Pp. xlviii, 662 plates.)