Tímarit Þjóðræknisfélags Íslendinga - 01.01.1953, Blaðsíða 134

Tímarit Þjóðræknisfélags Íslendinga - 01.01.1953, Blaðsíða 134
116 TÍMARIT ÞJÓÐRÆKNISFÉLAGS ÍSLENDINGA Icelandic National League 1,600.00 $3,696.12 Credit Balance Dec. 31, 1952 76.11 $3,772.23 $3,772.23 The above statement has been audited and found correct. Jóliann Th. Beck, Steindór Jakobsson, Auditors FormaSur dagskrárnefndar lagSi fram tillögur nefndar sinnar og voru þær studdar og samþykktar. Slcýrsla dagskrárnefndar Dagskrárnefnd leggur til, aS fylgt sé hinni prentuíSu dagskrá þingsins, atS þvl viíSbættu, aS fluttar vertSi kl. 11 f. h. á þriiSjudaginn kveSjur frá Icelandic Can- adian Club og Leifs Eirikssonar félaginu. Verður dagslcráin þá á þessa leiiS: 1. Þingsetning 2. Ávarp forseta 3. Kosning kjörbréfanefndar 4. Skýrsiur embættismanna 5. Slcýrslur deilda 6. Sérstakar kveSjur 7. Skýrslur milliþinganefnda 8. Útbreiðslumál 9. Fjármál 10. FræiSslumál 11. Samvinnumál 12. Útgáfumál 13. Kosning embættismanna 14. Ný mál 15. ólokin störf og þingslit. Ennfremur leggur nefndin til, aS bend- ingum forseta um samvinnumál viS ísland, útbreiSslu- og fræSslumál og um útgáfu- inál, verSi vlsaS til hlutaSeigandi nefnda, sem skipaSar verSa síSar á þinginu. Á þjúSræknisþingi I Winnipeg, 23. febrúar 1953 Richard Beek S. Einarsson T. J. Gíslason Milliþingiuiefnd í Leifs Eiríkssonar minnisvarðainálinu Grettir L. Jóhannsson skýrSi frá þvi, aS föSur hans, Ásmundi P. Jóhannssyni, er sæti ætti I nefndinni, hefSi borizt bréf frá formanni hennar, GuSmundi Grímssyni dómara I Bismarck, þar sem hann skýrir frá mála vöxtum eins og nú standa sakir. Fyigdi greinargerS hans bréf frá Thor Thors sendiherra Islands I Washington- Loks las Grettir grein eftir Grímsson dómara um máliS, er birzt hafSi I Nord- manden I Fargo 9. okt. 1952: Feb. 19, l963 Mr. A. P. Johannson, 910 Palmerston Ave. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Dear Friend: I note the approaching meeting of til0 Icelandic National League and presum® a report should be given on behalf of the Leif Eiriksson Committee. We have not much to report. The Con- gress of the United States has not aete on the Leif Eiriksson resolution. 'The reason is the amount of funds that the Fine Arts Commission now thinks neceS' sary for the building of the base. The las estimate, I believe, was more than $20,00 • Congress, under present conditions, is iot . to appropriate money for anything exceP urgent defense needs and for support 0 the government. Senator Young rep°rte that if we could raise some $5,000 thought he might be able to persua ^ Congress to appropriate the balance o whether we could do that or should un<te , take that now has been a doubt question. There was a movement star in the Bismarck lodge of the ®ons,.on Norway to make a general solicitat through them. Minister Thor Thors of the opinion, however, that the 1 t landers themselves should raise money was necessary in addition to United States appropriation and ad^Kne that we wait until that could be °t]ie so the campaign for the funds by Sons of Norway was abandoned f°r ,t present. That is about all I can rep I wrote an article on the matter 'n J*e, Normanden, a copy of which I en0, a Towards the end of that article report from the Mariners’ Museum s _ ing that the statue is spreading inf0.n jts tion on Leif Eiriksson and Vinland present temporary location. Some bers of the committee, especially .ng jalmur Stefansson think that it is v0llid more good where it is than it ever teJ. in Washington. That, however, is a m of opinion. c°n' I shall be unable to attend th® g0lJ1e vention and hope you will make report of the matter to the con.'fon oí for us. We will abide by any de01&n(i toV the convention in the matter. Exte v0n- greetings and best wishes to the c tion. Sincerely yours, G. GRIMs0IJ' A
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Tímarit Þjóðræknisfélags Íslendinga

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