Heimilisritið - 01.05.1947, Blaðsíða 42

Heimilisritið - 01.05.1947, Blaðsíða 42
Sönglagatexta r NANCY. If I don’t see her each day — I miss her. Gee! what a thrill — eaeh time I kiss her. Believe me I’ve got a case On Nancy with tlie laughing face. She takes tlie winter and makes it summer, Summer eould take some lessons from her. Pieture a tomboy in lace, That’s Nancy with the laughing face. Do you ever Iiear mission bells ringing? Well she’ll give you the very same glow Wlien she speaks you would think it was singing Just hear her say „HelIo“. I swear to goodness you can’t resist her, Sorry for you she has no sister No one eould ever replace My Nancy with the laughing face. What a wonderful trent to come home to. When the long day has drawn to a close, There’s the patter of feet to come home to, And Nancy gave me those. Iíeep Bett.v Grable, Lamour, and Turner, She makes my héart a charcoal burner No one could ever replace My Nancy witli the laughing foce. FOR SENTIMENTAL REASONS I love you, for sentimental reasons, I hope you do believe me, I’Il give you my heart. I love you, and you alone Were meant for me, Please give your loving heart to me,- And say we’ll never part. I think of you ev’ry inorning, Dream of you ev’ry night; Darling, I’m never lonely Whenever you’re in sight. I love you, for spntimental reasons, I hope you do believe me, I’ve given you my heart. TO EACH HIS OWN A rose must remain with the sun and the rain Or its lovely promise won’t come true. To each his own, to each his own And my own is you. What good is a song if the words just don’t belong. And a drcam niust be a dream for two. No good alone, to each his own, For me there’s you. If a flame is to grow there must be a glow, To open each door there’s a key. I need you I know, I can’t let you go, Your touch means to much to me. Two lips must insist on two more to be kissed Or they’ll never know what love can do. To each his own, I’ve found my own One and only you. 36 HEIMILISRITIÐ
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