

Læknablaðið - 15.05.1988, Blaðsíða 11

Læknablaðið - 15.05.1988, Blaðsíða 11
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 175 patients who died suddenly and underwent autopsy. Among men 20-39 years the age corrected incidence was 0.16 cases per 1,000 men per year during the years 1980-1984. Between January lst 1980 and December 3lst 1984 43 individuals aged 40 years and younger suffered acute myocardial infarction in Iceland. Three were foreigners and among the Icelandic patients two were 17 years old, one had hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and the other suffered chest trauma but neither of those had any signs of coronary atherosclerosis on coronary angiography. During the study period 38 Icelanders in the age group 25-40 years suffered myocardial infarction. Of those 9 (23.7%) died before they reached hospital and 2 patients (6.9%) died during the hospital stay. This accounts for 6.1% of the total mortality in the age group 25-39 years during the years 1980-1983. Risk factors were examined among the 29 patients who were admitted to hospital. Only one patient was defined as a non smoker and 28 patients (96.6%) smoked daily. Of the 29 hospitalized patients there were 15 who had a first degree relative with known coronary heart disease. Hypercholesterolemia, hypertension and obesity were not found to be significant risk factors. One vessel disease was most common (59.4%) and most frequently involved the left anterior descending artery. HEIMILDIR 1. Heilbrigðisskýrslur 1980-1983 (Public Health in Iceland 1980-1983). Reykjavík, Landlæknisembættið 1986. 2. Davia JE, Hallal FJ, Cheitilin MD, Gregoratos G, McCarty R, Foote W. Coronary artery disease in young patients: Arteriographic and clinical review of 40 cases aged 35 and under. Am Heart J 1974; 87: 689-96. 3. Dolder MA, Oliver MF. Myocardial infarction in young men. Study of risk factors in nine countries. Br Heart J 1975; 37: 493-503. 4. Bergstrand R, Vedin A, Wilhelmson C, Wallin J, Wedel H, Wilhelmsen L. Myocardial infarction among men below age 40. Br Heart J 1978; 40: 783-8. 5. A preliminary report from the Monica principal investigators meeting in Geneva, 28 February to March 1 1984. 6. Mannfjöldatölur Hagstofu íslands, Hagtíðindi 1981-1985. 7. Keys A, Fidanza F, Mariti KJ, Kimura N, Taylor HL. Indices of Relative Weight and Obesity. J Chronic Dis 1972; 25: 329-43. 8. Könnun Hagvangs á reykingavenjum íslendinga 1985; óbirtar niðurstöður. 9. Könnun Hjartaverndar á reykingavenjum íslendinga 1983; óbirtar niðurstöður. 10. Björnsson OJ, Davidsson D, Olafsson O, Sigfusson N, Þorsteinsson Þ. Survey of serum lipid levels in Icelandic men aged 34-61 years; Reykjavik, Hjartavernd 1978: 41-63. 11. Torfason B, Davidsson D, Sigfusson N, Björnsson OJ. Skýrsla A XV: Líkamshæð, líkamsþyngd og þyngdarstuðull íslenskra karla á aldrinum 34-61 árs; Reykjavik, Hjartavernd 1978. 12. Koskenuvo K, Karvonen JM, Rissanen V. Death From Ischemic Heart Disease in Young Finns Aged 15 to 24 Years. Am J Cardiol 1978; 42: 114-8. 13. Irvine N, Ward PR, Kenmure ACF. The results of coronary arteriography in young men after myocardial infarction in North East Scotland. Scott Med J 1985; 30: 8-14. 14. McKenna WJ, Chew CYC, Oakley CM. Myocardial infarction with normal coronary angiogram. Possible mechanism of smoking risk in coronary artery disease. Br Heart J; 1980: 43: 493-8. 15. Hoit BD, Gilpin EA, Henning H, Maisel AA, Dittrich H, Carlisle J, Ross J Jr. Myocardial infarction in young patients: an analysis by age subsets. Circulation 1986; 74: 712-21. 16. Furberg C, Romo M, Linko E, Siltanen P, Tibblin G, Wilhelmsen L. Sudden Coronary Death in Scandinavia. A Report From Scandinavian Coronary Heart Disease Registers. Acta Med Scand 1977; 201: 553-7. 17. Underwood DA, Proudfit WL, Lim J, MacMillan JP, Symptomatic Coronary Artery Disease in Patients Aged 21-31 Years. Am J Cardiol 1985; 55: 631-4. 18. Glover MU, Kuber MT, Warren SE, Vieweg VVR, Myocardial Infarction Before Age 36, Risk Factor and Arteriographic Analysis. Am J Cardiol 1982; 49: 1600-3. 19. Nitter Hauge S, Erikssen J, Thaulow E, Vatne K. Angiographic and risk factor characteristics of subjects with early onset ischemic heart disease. Br Heart J 1981; 46: 325-30. 20. Uhl GS, Farrel PW. Myocardial infarction in young adults: Risk factors and natural history. Am Heart J 1983; 105: 548-53. 21. Deanfield JE, Shea JM, Wilson RA, Horlock P, de Landsheere CM, Selwyn AP. Direct Effects of Smoking on the Heart: Silent Ischemic Disturbances of Coronary Flow. Am J Cardiol 1986; 57: 1005-9. 22. Martin JL, Wilson JR, Ferraro N, Laskey WK, Kleaveland JP, Hirshfeld JW. Acute Coronary Vasoconstrictive Effects of Cigarette Smoking in Coronary Heart Disease: Am J Cardiol 1984; 54: 56-60. 23. Nadler JL, Velasco JS, Horton R. Cigarette smoking inhibits prostacyclin formation. The Lancet; 1983: 1248-50. 24. Kaufman DW, Helmrich SP, Rosenberg L, Miettinen OS, Shapiro S. Nicotine and carbon monoxide content of cigarette smoke and the risk of myocardial infarction in young men. N Engl J Med 1983; 308: 409-13. 25. Hartz AJ, Barboriak PN, Anderson AJ, Hoffmann RG, Barboriac JJ. Smoking, Coronary Artery Occlusion, and Nonfatal Myocardial Infarction. JAMA 1981; 246: 851-3. 26. Tibblin G, Wilhelmsen L, Werkö L. Risk Factors for Myocardial Infarction and Death Due to Ischemic Heart Disease and Other Causes. Am J Cardiol 1975; 35: 514-22. 27. Blacket RB, Leelarthaepin B, Palmer AJ, Woodhill JM. Coronary Heart Disease in Young Men: A Study of Seventy Patients with a Critical Review of Etiological Factors. Aust N Z J Med 1973; 3: 39-63.
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