

Læknablaðið - 15.06.1995, Blaðsíða 33

Læknablaðið - 15.06.1995, Blaðsíða 33
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 1995; 81 477 Væg dreyrasýki A á íslandi Ólafur Jensson, Sif Jónsdóttir Jensson Ó, Jónsdóttir S Mild haemophilia A in Iceland Læknablaðið 1995; 81: 477-83 A family survey of mild hemophilia A has been carried out during the last 25 years. Presently these families contain 27 living affected males or approxi- mately twice the number of males with severe form of hemophilia A in Iceland. The aim of the study was to define the phenotype in three families with mild haemophilia A and to determine RFLP (Re- striction Fragment Length Polymorphism) polymor- phisms, which could support a hypothesis of a com- mon progenitor of the families. Family survey was made and index cases were identified in and outside hospitals and a survey for symptoms and signs of bleeding in family members and sampling for coag- ulation and RFLP studies were mostly carried out in the field. Family members with and without symp- toms of bleeding were selected for investigation and normal spouses and unrelated individuals were in- vestigated for control. Bleeding time, factor VIII activity, quantification of factor VIII Ag, von Wil- lebrand factor Ag and vWF ristocetin assay. Typing of RFLP polymorphisms for genetic homogeneity. Bleeding manifestations are present in both sexes in the three families although more frequent and more severe in the males. Prolonged bleeding time in 6 of 7 affected members in one of the families and sub- normal levels in von Willebrand related assays point to an additional abnormality which has not been explained. The level of factor VIII activity is be- tween 10-20% in most affected males whereas 35- 60% is found approximately in 2/3 of females carri- ers and in 1/3 of them factor VIII activity is within the normal range. Major bleeding episodes in family Frá erfðafræðideild Blóðbankans. Fyrirspurnir, bréfaskipti: Ólafur Jensson, Blóðbankanum v/Barónsstíg, 101 Reykja- vík. members are associated with accidents, surgical pro- cedures menorrhagia and in some cases provoked by diseases such as intestinal ulceration, kidney stones and abnormalities of vasculature. RFLP polymor- phisms were detected, which are common to the families and they support hypothesis of a common progenitor. The genetic studies show relatively high prevalence of this type of mild haemophilia A, which seems to have been present for at least 6-8 generations in Iceland. It is suggested that screening for this mild haemophilia A gene by molecular ge- netic method would be of clinical value now, when it’s mutation has been detected. Transmission of mild haemophilia A through 6-9 generations is dem- onstrated by the study. Founder effect is confirmed by studies of RFLP polymorphisms. The mild hae- mophilia A type described is the most prevalent of haemophilia A types in Iceland (population 265,000, 1993). Ágrip Gefið er yfirlit um rannsóknir á sex fjöl- skyldum með væga dreyrasýki A (haemophilia A) sem hafa verið rannsakaðar á síðustu 25 árum. í þeim greinast nú 27 dreyrasjúkir karlar og er það um það bil tvöfalt fleiri en núlifandi karlar með svæsið form af dreyrasýki A. Með nýlegum sameindaerfðafræðirannsóknum hef- ur verið sýnt fram á fjórar stökkbreytingar í geni storkuþáttar VIII (haemophilia A gen) sem liggja til grundvallar vægri dreyrasýki A í ofangreindum sex fjölskyldum. I þremur fjöl- skyldum er urn að ræða sömu stökkbreytingu sem veldur dreyrasýkinni. Með þessum niður- stöðum, og reyndar áður einnig með storku- þáttarrannsóknum, hefur fyrri sjúkdómsgrein- ing verið leiðrétt, en hún var gerð á þessum fjölskyldum árið 1970. Skerðibútabreytileikinn (RFLP = Restriction Fragment Length Poly- morphism) í þessum fjölskyldum sem fundist hefur í dreyrasýkigeninu og aðliggjandi svæð- um þess er sterk vísbending urn skyldleika fjöl- skyldnanna, sem eiga uppruna í samliggjandi
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