

Læknablaðið - 15.06.1995, Side 44

Læknablaðið - 15.06.1995, Side 44
488 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 1995; 81 staða okkar er ekki heldur í samræmi við þá einu rannsókn, að okkar undanskilinni, sem gerð hefur verið á te og bakflæði og birtist mjög nýlega (22). Þetta ósamræmi gæti skýrst af mis- munandi teblöndum þar sem okkar blanda var ef til vill sterkari en gerist og gengur á Vestur- löndum. Við teljum raunhæft að yfirfæra niðurstöður okkar, sem fengust við rannsókn á heilbrigðum einstaklingum, yfir á sjúklinga með bólgu í vél- inda vegna bakflæðis. Við ályktum því að sjúklingar með bakflæðissjúkdóm eigi að tak- marka sem mest neyslu á koffínríku kaffi og ef til vill tei. Koffínsnautt kaffi virðist henta þess- um sjúklingahópi betur. Þakkir Höfundar þakka Elísabetu Snorradóttur rit- ara fyrir hennar hjálp. HEIMILDIR 1. Sziegoleit W, Forster W, Morl M, Schultz U. Klinische- Pharmakologische Doppelblinduntersuchungen mit un- terschiedlichen Rostkaffeesorten bei gastroenterologi- schen Patienten. Z Gesamte Inn Med 1972; 27: 490-2. 2. Price SF, Smithson KW, Castell DO. Food sensitivity in reflux esophagitis. Gastroenterology 1978; 75: 240-3. 3. Richter JE, Castell DO. Drugs, foods and other sub- stances in the cause and treatment of reflux esophagitis. Med Clin N Am 1981; 65: 1223-34. 4. Thomas FB, Steinbaugh JT, Fromkes JJ, Mekhjian HS, Caldwell JH. Inhibitory effect of coffee on lower esoph- ageal sphincter pressure. Gastroenterology 1980; 79: 1262-6. 5. Cohen S, Booth GH. Gastric acid secretion and lower- esophageal-spinchter pressure in response to coffee and caffeine. N Engl J Med 1975; 293: 897-9. 6. Cohen S. Pathogenesis of coffee-induced gastrointesti- nal symptoms. N Engl J Med 1980; 303: 122-4. 7. Westerman H, MtiUer-Wieland K, Spielman M. Oso- phagusdruck und Serumgastrin nach KaffeegenuB. Med Klin 1977; 72: 2201-3. 8. Salmon PR, Redail SS, Wurzner HP, Harvey RF, Read AE. Effect of coffee on human lower oesophageal func- tion. Digestion 1981; 21: 69-73. 9. Spiller MA. The chemical components of coffee. In: Spiller GA, ed. The methylxanthine beverages and foods: chemistry, consumption and health effects. New York: Alan R. Liss Inc., 1984: 91-147. 10. Dennish GW, Castell DO. Caffeine and the lower esophageal sphincter. Am J Dig Dis 1972; 17: 993-6. 11. Wright LE, Castell DO. The adverse effect of chocolate on lower esophageal sphincter pressure. Am J Dig Dis 1975; 20: 703-7. 12. Stein MR. Towner TG, Weber RW, Mansfield LE, Jacobson KW, McDonell JT, et al. The effect of the- ophylline on the lower esophageal spincter pressure. Ann Allergy 1980; 45 : 238-41. 13. Berquist WE, Rachelefsky GS, Kadden M, Siegel SC, Katz RM, Mickey MR, et al. Effect of gastroesophageal reflux in normal adults. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1981; 67: 407-11. 14. Kaye MD, Showalter JP. Manometric configuration of the lower esophageal spincter in normal human subjects. Gastroenterology 1971; 61: 213-23. 15. Dent J. A new technique forcontinousspincterpressure measurement. Gastroenterology 1976; 71: 263-7. 16. Richter JE, Castell DO. Gastroesophageal reflux. Path- ogenesis, diagnosis and therapy. Ann Int Med 1982; 97: 93-103. 17. Fliess JL. The Design and Analysis of Clinical Experi- ments. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1986: 281-6. 18. Hollander M, Wolfe DA. Nonparametric Statistical Methods. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1973:138—40, 151-4. 19. Winans CS. The pharyngoesophageal closure mecha- nism: A manometric stury. Gastroenterology 1972; 63: 768-77. 20. Ritchie JM. Central nervous system stimulants. In: Goodman LS, Gilman A, eds. The pharmacological ba- sis of therapeutics. New York: MacMillan Publishing Co., 1975: 367-78. 21. Van Deventer G, Kamemoto E, Kuznici JT, Heckert DC, Schulte MC. Lower esophageal sphincter pressure, acid secretion and blood gastrin after coffee consump- tion. Dig Dis Sci 1992; 4: 558-69. 22. WendlB, Pfeiffer A, PehlC, SchmidtT, KaessH. Effect of decaffeination of coffee or tea on gastric-oesophageal reflux. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 1994; 8: 283-7.



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