

Læknablaðið - 15.06.1995, Blaðsíða 54

Læknablaðið - 15.06.1995, Blaðsíða 54
496 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 1995; 81 Museums of Medical History Why do they exist? Einn erlendra gesta sem heiðraði Lækna- félag íslands á 75 ára afmælishátíðinni í september 1993 var doktor Christa Ha- brich, en hún gegnir prófessorsstöðu í sögu læknis- og lyfjafræði við háskólann í Miinchen. í tilefni 15. norræna þingsins um sögu læknisfræðinnar sem haldið verður í Reykjavík og Reykholti dagana 21.-24. júní næstkomandi birtum við hér ræðu Christu Habrich frá afmælishátíð LÍ. First of all I would like to thank you for the kind invita- tion to the 75th anniversary of the Icelandic Medical Associ- ation. It is a pleasure and an honour for me to speak at this commemorating ceremony. Your desire to have a look on an historical subject while cele- brating this event, shows, that you have close links to the histo- ry in general and to the history of your country, your old cul- ture and your profession. This is quite remarkable, because modern physicians often forget, that they think and act on the shoulders of those men, who in- vestigated scientific medicine many centuries ago. To the honour of a man, who gave an important impulse to Icelandic medical museology, Professor Jón Steffensen, I ded- icate my lecture. The questions, why do mu- seums of medical history exist, can be answered in two differ- ent ways: First of all, there are collections of medical objects found in Italy, in France, Great Britain, in the Netherlands, even in some places in Germa- ny, consisting of the remains of old collections of medical in- struments, equipment and ap- paratus used as didactic materi- al for the training of students at universities or surgical acade- mies. These collections of ana- tomical preparations and path- ological specimens, physiolog- ical apparatus or surgical instruments, which could be saved, form the basis of the first type of museums, joined to- gether in the European Associ- ation of Museums ofthe History of Medical Sciences. They got the great advantage to have at their disposal a historically grown stock. A very good ex- ample of such a collection is the marvellous collection of wax models, made by Felice Fonta- na in Florence in the second half of the 18th century and bought for the academy of surgeons in Vienna in 1786 by the Emperor Joseph II, the great enlightened reformer who even reformed medicine in Austria. When ever you stay for some time in Vien- na, don’t forget to visit the fa- mous Josephinum where this collection is still exhibited to- day. The development of scientific medicine depended since the Renaissence on good and well systematically arranged collec- tions and the medical faculties of each university spent a lot of money for the foundation and conservation of their collec- tions. But - with the introduc- tion of modern techniques and media for documentation, in- formation and communication in science — like for example photographic and electronic methods, the traditional collec- tions became more and more neglected, and were even aban- doned and abolished. Many keepers of modern medical mu- seums can tell you horror sto- ries about the fate of their col- lection in the past and the prob- lems of saving and protecting
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