

Læknablaðið - 15.03.1999, Page 21

Læknablaðið - 15.03.1999, Page 21
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 1999; 85 211 Vélindabólga af völdum herpes simplex veiru í annars heilbrigðum einstaklingum Gunnar Gunnarsson' 2,1 Guðrún Baldvinsdóttir2’, Auður Antonsdóttir21, Sverrir Harðarson3’, Hallgrímur Guðjónsson” Gunnarsson G, Baldvinsdóttir G, Antonsdóttir A, Harðarson S, Guðjónsson H Herpes siinplex esophagitis in iinmunocoinpetent individuals Læknablaðið 1999; 85: 211-7 Objective: Infections by herpes simplex viruses (HSV) are common but esophageal involvement is relatively rare. It is most frequently diagnosed in immunocompromized patients. We describe four healthy, young men with HSV esophagitis and review the literature on the subject. Material and methods: The diagnosis of HSV eso- phagitis was considered likely if three out of four of our criteria were met but definite if all four were fulfilled. IgM and IgG against HSV was measured with two different ELISAs. Viral culture was done in Vero and A-549 cells. Virus typing was done with ELISA. Histopathological exam was performed. A MEDLINE search of HSV esophagitis among other- wise healthy individuals was performed and the literature reviewed. Results: Four young, healthy men were diagnosed with HSV esophagitis in 1997. Diagnosis was likely in two cases and definite in two. One patient was ini- tially suspected of heart disease and another of gall- bladder disease. All four patients were proven to have primary infection, were hospitalized, given intra- venous hydration and treated with acyclovir. A MED- LINE search revealed 12 other cases of HSV esopha- gitis in otherwise healthy individuals. Including all 16 cases, the age ranged from 18 to 50 years (mean age 26 years). There were two women and 14 men. The most frequent symptom was odynophagia (69%). Eight patients (50%) had fever but only six (37.5%) Frá "lyflækningadeild, "'rannsóknastofu í veirufræði og 3lrannsóknastofu Háskólans í meinafræði, Landspítalan- um. Fyrirspurnir, bréfaskipti: Gunnar Gunnarsson, lyflækn- ingadeild og rannsóknastofu í veirufræði, Landspítalanum, 101 Reykjavík. Netfang: gunnarbg@ rsp.is Lykilorð: herpes simptex veira, vélindabólga, heilbrigðir einstaklingar. had lesions in skin and/or niucosa on examination. Esophageal ulcers or inflammation were detected in all patients. The changes were in the distal esophagus (13/16), in the middle (2/16) or the entire organ (1/16). HSV-1 was cultured from 10 patients. Viral in- clusions were seen in esophageal samples from eight patients. HSV antibodies were measured in 10 patients, six of which were proven to have primary infection. Conclusions: HSV esophagitis is rare in otherwise healthy individuals but probably underdiagnosed. Most cases are young men. Clues to the diagnosis such as visible lesions in skin or mucosae are fre- quently not present. Vigilance and endoscopy with biopsies and culture is needed for an accurate diag- nosis. Key words: herpes simplex virus, esophagitis, immuno- competent individuals. Ágrip Inngangur: Sýkingar af völdum herpes simplex veiru eru algengar en herpes simplex vélindabólga er hins vegar tiltölulega sjaldgæf. Langoftast er hún greind hjá ónæmisbældum sjúklingum. Við lýsurn fjórum ungum, annars heilbrigðum karlmönnum sem greindir voru með herpes simplex vélindabólgu og gerum grein fyrir rituðu máli um þennan sjúkdóm. Efniviður og aðferðir: Herpes simplex vél- indabólga var talin líkleg ef þremur af fjórum skilmerkjum okkar var fullnægt en ákveðin/ör- ugg ef öllum fjórum var fullnægt. Mótefni, IgM og IgG, gegn herpes simplex veiru voru mæld með tveimur mismunandi ELISA aðferð- um. Veiruræktun var gerð í Vero og A-549 frumum. Herpes simplex tegund var greind með ELISA aðferð. Sýni tekin frá vélinda voru skoð- uð af meinafræðingi. Leit var gerð á MED- LINE að tilfellum herpes simplex vélindabólgu sem lýst var í annars heilbrigðum einstakling- um. Niðurstöður: Fjórir ungir karlmenn greind- ust með herpes simplex vélindabólgu árið 1997
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