

Læknablaðið - 15.10.2008, Page 29

Læknablaðið - 15.10.2008, Page 29
FRÆÐIGREINAR SJÚKRATILFELLI horf. í okkar tilfelli sást þetta greinilega í aukningu á fráblástursrúmmáli þar sem FVC-gildi hækkuðu um 22% og FEVl-gildi um 18% (tafla I). Árangur aðgerða virðist vera betri eftir því sem blöðrurnar eru stærri og staðbundnari og oftast er árangurinn viðvarandi (2, 4, 14, 16). Hjá sjúklingum með út- breidda lungnaþembu er langtímaárangur síðri og sumum þessara sjúklinga er ekki treyst í aðgerð vegna þess hversu lungnastarfsemi er skert. I þeim tilvikum kemur til greina að koma fyrir ein- stefnuloka í berkjutréð í berkjuspeglun og tæmast blöðrurnar þá við útöndun. Þetta er nýtt meðferð- arúrræði og virðist lofa góðu (17). Þakkir Þakkir fá Gunnar Rafn Jóhannesson heimilislækn- ir, Ólafur Baldursson lungnasérfræðingur fyrir yfirlestur, Kristín Bára Jörundsdóttir hjúkrunar- fræðingur á lungnarannsóknarstofu Landspítala og Inger Helene Bóasson ljósmyndari. Heimildir 1. Panchal NJ, Stark P. Bullous lung disease: a review. Contemporary Diagnostic Radiology 2006; 29:1-5. 2. Snider GL. Reduction pneumoplasty for giant bullous emphysema: implicationsforsurgical treatmentofnonbullous emphysema. Chest 1996; 109: 540-8. 3. Morgan MD, Edwards CW, Morris J, Matthews HR. Origin and behaviour of emphysematous bullae. Thorax 1989; 44: 533-8. 4. Schipper PH, Meyers BF, Battafarano RJ, Guthrie TJ, Patterson GA, Cooper JD. Outcomes after resection of giant emphysematous bullae. Ann Thorac Surg 2004; 78: 976-82. 5. Shah NN, Bhargava R, Ahmed Z, et al. The vanishing lung. CJEM 2007; 9: 233-4. 6. Stem EJ, Webb WR, Weinacker A, Miiller NL. Idiopathic giant bullous emphysema (vanishing lung syndrome): imaging findings in nine patients. AJR 1994; 162: 279-82. 7. Magnússon B, Jóhannsson K, Guðjónsdóttir M, Ásmundsson T. Lífeðlisfræðileg áhrif skurðaðgerðar á stómm lungnablöðrum hjá þremur sjúklingum með langvinna lungnateppu (LLT). Læknablaðið 1994; 80; fylgirit 25: 67. 8. Ogawa D, Shiota Y, Marukawa M, et al. Lung cancer associated with pulmonary bulla. Respiration 1999; 66: 555- 8. 9. Waseem M, Jones J, Brutus S, Munyak J, Kapoor R, Gernsheimer J. Giant bulla mimicking pneumothorax. J Emerg Med 2005; 29:155-8. 10. Wanger J, Clausen JL, Coates A, et al. Standardisation of the measurement of lung volumes. Eur Respir J 2005; 26: 511-22. 11. Shinonaga M, Yamaguchi A, Yoshiya K. VATS-stepwise resection of a giant bulla in an oxygen-dependent patient. Surg Laparosc Endosc 1999; 9: 70-3. 12. Mehran RJ, Deslauriers J. Indications for surgery and patient work-up for bullectomy. Chest Surg Clin N Am 1995; 5: 717- 34. 13. Van Natta TL, Iannettoni MD. Reduction pneumoplasty for a giant right upper lobe bulla causing massive bilateral lung compression. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2007; 133:1674-5. 14. Neviere R, Catto M, Bautin N, et al. Longitudinal changes in hyperinflation parameters and exercise capacity after giant bullous emphysema surgery. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2006; 132:1203-7. 15. Schnater JM, Plaisier PW, van den Berg PM, Schutte PR. A remarkable outcome after video-assisted thoracoscopic resection of a giant bulla. Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg 2003; 2: 589-91. 16. Palla A, Desideri M, Rossi G, et al. Elective surgery for giant bullous emphysema: a 5 year clinical and functional follow- up. Chest 2005; 128: 2043-50. 17. Noppen M, Tellings JC, Dekeukeleire T, et al. Successful treatment of a giant emphysematous bulla by bronchoscopic placement of endobronchial valves. Chest 2006; 130:1563-5. Ásgeirsson H, Lúðvíksdóttir D, Kjartanson O, Guðbjartsson T A 49 year old male with a giant pulmonary bulla - a case report and review of the literature A 49 year old previously healthy smoker was diagnosed with a giant bulla in his right lung, following a history of dry cough, repeated upper airway infections and increasing dyspnea for several years. Computed tomography (CT) confirmed the presence of a giant bulla in the right inferior lobe and several smaller bullae in the right superior lobe. The giant bulla was 17 cm in diameter, occupying more than half of the right hemithorax. On spirometry a moderate restrictive and a mild obstructive pattern was observed. Lung volume was measured with two different techniques, nitrogen washout and plethysmography, with volume of the bullae estimated at 2.9 L, similar to the 3.2 L determined by CT. The patient underwent thoracotomy, where the giant bulla together with the inferior lobe were removed with lobectomy and the small bullae in the superior lobe with wedge resection. Five months postoperatively the patient is in good health and is back at work. Postoperatively significant improvements in spirometry values and lung volume measurements have been documented. This case demonstrates that giant bullae can be successfully managed with surgical resection and their size can be determined by different techniques, including lung volume measurements and chest CT. Key words: Giant buila, diagnosis, treatment, thoracotomy, iung voiume measurements. Correspondence: Tómas Guðbjartsson, tomasgud@landspitali.is > CC < 2 I « _l o z Lil Barst: 19. apríl 2008, samþykkt til birtingar: 22. ágúst 2008 LÆKNAblaðið 2008/94 677 ns



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