

Læknablaðið - 15.11.2009, Blaðsíða 37

Læknablaðið - 15.11.2009, Blaðsíða 37
FRÆÐIGREINAR SJÚKRATILFELLI 5. Kang Ik-Joon, Lee MH. Quantification of para-phenyl- enediamine and heavy metais in henna dye. Contact Dermatitis 2006: 55; 26-9. 6. Branacaccio RR, Brown LH, Chang YT, Fogelman JP, Mafong EA, Cohen DE. Identification and quantification of para- phenylenediamine in a temporary black henna tattoo. Am J Contact Derm 2002; 13:15-8. 7. Kaatz M, Elsner P, Bauer A. Body-modifying concepts and dermatologic problems: tattooing and piercing. Clin Derm 2008; 26: 35-44 8. Öztas MO, Önder M, Öztass P, Atahan C. Contact allergy to henna. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2001; 15:91-2. 9. Garcia Ortiz JC, Terron M, Bellido J. Contact ailergy to henna. Int Arch Allergy Immunol 1997; 114: 298-9. 10. Majoie IM, Bruynzeei DP. Occupational immediate-type hypersensitivity to henna in a hairdresser. Am J Contact Dermatitis 1996; 7: 38-40. 11. Starr JC, Yunginger J, Brahser GW. Immediate type I asthmatic response to henna following occupational exposure in hairdressers. Ann Allergy 1982; 48: 98-9. 12. Redlick F, DeKoven J. Ailergic contact dermatitis to paraphenyiendiamine in hair dye after sensitization from black henna tattoos: a report of 6 cases CMAJ 2007; 176: 445- 6. 13. http://ec.europa.eu/health/ph_risk/committees/sccp/ documents/outl78_en.pdf. 14. Lestringant GG, Bener A, Frossard PM. Cutaneous reactions to henna and associated additives. Br J Derm 1999- 14T 598- 600. 15. Neri I, Guareschi E, Savoia F, Patrizi A. Childhood allergic contact dermatitis from henna tattoo. Pediatr Dermatol 2002- 19: 503-5. 16 Jappe U, Hausen BM, Petzoldt D. Erythema-multiforme like eruption and depigmentation following allergic contact dermatitis from a paint-on henna tattoo, due to para-phenylenediamine contact hypersensitivity. Contact Dermatitis 2001; 45: 249-50. 17 Reglugerð 748/2003 um snyrtivörur með áorðnum breyt- ingum. reglugerd.is Allergy and skin infection after use of temporary henna tattoo - case report We describe a case of a 10 year old boy who developed an contact dermatitis to black henna tattoo. Sixteen days later he was brought to the emergency department because of an presumed superinfection by S. aureus. The infection was successfully treated with dicloxacillin and the allergic reaction with bethametasone ointment and tablets. The use of pure henna is legal but has been proven to be Bjornsson HM, Einarsdottir AE, Clausen MV. Allergy and skin Infection after use of temporary henna tattoo ■ Key words: Allergy, skin infection, henna harmful in animal experiments. Para-phenylendiamine (PPD) has been mixed with henna to achieve a darker colour and to decrease the treatment time and is well known to cause allergic reactions. case report. Icel Med J 2009; 95: 771-3. Correspondence: Hjalti Már Björnsson, hjaltimb@gmail.com > OC < 5 5 D C/5 I « -I o z LU Barst: 27. maí 2009, - samþykkt til birtingar: 7. október 2009 LÆKNAblaðið 2009/95 773
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