

Læknablaðið - 15.04.2010, Side 41

Læknablaðið - 15.04.2010, Side 41
FRÆÐIGREINAR RANNSÓKNIR í framhaldsrannsókn væri ástæða til að sundurgreina notkun þjónustuaðila og draga fram það sem tengist notkun hvers aðila. Einnig væri ástæða til að athuga hverjir nota óhefðbundna þjónustu í viðbót við þá hefðbundnu og hverjir nota óhefðbundna þjónustu í staðinn fyrir þá hefðbundnu. Afdrif einstakra notendahópa væri einnig verðugt rannsóknarefni. Þakkir Heilbrigðiskönnunin Heilbrigði og aðstæður íslendinga hlaut styrk frá rannsóknasjóði Rannís og rannsóknasjóði Háskóla Islands. Heímildir 1. National Center for Complimentary and Altemative Medicine (NCCAM). What is CAM? http://nccam.nih.gov Maí 2009. 2. Eisenberg, DM, Davis RB, Ettner SL, et al. Trends in alternative medicine use in the United States, 1990-1997: results of a follow-up national survey. JAMA 1998; 280:1569- 75. 3. Skýrsla heilbrigðisráðherra um græðara og starfsemi þeirra (Lögð fyrir Alþingi á 131. löggjafarþingi 2004-2005). www. althingi.is/altext/131/s/0731.html Maí 2009. 4. Goldstein MS. The growing acceptance of complementary and altemative medicine. í: Bird CE, Conrad P, Fremont AM, ritstj. Handbook of Medical Sociology. 5th ed. Prentice Hall, New Jersey 2000:284-97. 5. Xue CC, Zhang AL, Lin V, Da Costa C, Story DF. Complementary and altemative medicine use in Australia: a national population-based survey. J Altem Complement Med 2007; 13: 643-50. 6. Kjoller M. Hvem og hvor mange benytter sig af altemative behandlingstilbud? 1: Alternativ Behandling. Teknologirádets rapporter 2002/7. Teknologirádet, Kobenhavn 2002: 122-32. www.tekno.dk/pdf/projekter/p02_alternativ-behandling- rapport.pdf. Maí 2009. 7. Det kongelige helsedepartement. Om lov om altemativ behandling av sykdom mv. Ot. prp. nr. 27 (2002-2003). http://odin.dep.no/hod/norsk/publ/otprp/042001- 050013/index-dok000-b-n-a.html Maí 2009. 8. Hildreth KD, Elman C. Altemative worldviews and the utilization of conventional and complementary medicine. Sociol Inq 2007; 77: 76-103. 9. Kelner M, Wellman B. Health care and consumer choice: medical and alternative therapies. Soc Sci Med 1997; 45: 203- 12. 10. Krauss HH, Godfrey C, Kirk J, Eisenberg DM. Altemative health care: its use by individuals with physical disabilities. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1998; 79:1440-7. 11. Molassiotis A, Fernadez-Ortega P, Pud D, et al. Use of complementary and altemative medicine in cancer patients: a European survey. Ann Oncol 2005; 16: 655-63. 12. Astin JA. Why patients use altemative medicine: results of a national study. JAMA1998; 279:1548-53. 13. Gortmaker SL, Eckenrode J, Gore S. Stress and the utilization of health services: a time series and cross-sectional analysis. J Health Soc Behav 1982; 23: 24-38. 14. Haraldsdóttir S. Notkun kvenna og karla á heilbrigðisþjónustu. í: Jónsdóttir LS, ritstj. Heilsufar kvenna. Heilbrigðis- og tryggingamálaráðuneytið, Reykjavík 1998: 109-15. 15. Vilhjálmsson R. A national study of factors related to the use of altemative health services. Veggspjald kynnt á 15. norrænu lýðheilsuráðstefnunni (Nordic Conference on Social Medicine), Hótel Sögu, Reykjavík, 3.-5. júní, 1999. 16. Vilhjálmsson R, Kristjánsdóttir G, Sveinbjamardóttir E. Factors associated with suicide ideation in adults. Soc Psychiatry Psychiat Epidemiol 1998; 33: 97-103. 17. Dillman DA. The design and administration of mail surveys. Ann Rev Sociol 1991; 17:225-49. 18. Derogatis LR, Lipman RS, Covi L. SCL-90: an outpatient psy chiatric rating scale-preliminary report. Psychopharmacol Bull 1973; 9:13-28. 19. Derogatis LR, Melisaratos N. The Brief Symptom Inventory: an introductory report. Psychol Med 1983; 13:595-605. 20. Gunnarsdóttir ÞJ. Viðbótarmeðferðir í hjúkmn. í: Jónsdóttir H, ritstj. Frá innsæi til inngripa: Þekkingarþróun í hjúkrunar- og ljósmóðurfræði. Hið íslenska bókmenntafélag, Reykjavík 2006: 341-57. 21. Guðlaugsdóttir DÓ. Samþætt viðbótarmeðferð fyrir sjúklinga með illkynja sjúkdóma á lyflækningasviði II LSH: Könnun á áhrifum slökunar á sjúklinga á göngudeild. Óbirt BS-ritgerð. Hjúkmnarfræðideild Háskóla íslands 2007. 22. Gunnarsdóttir ÞJ, Friðriksdóttir N, Jónasdóttir L, Smára- dóttir A.Landspítali: Stefna um viðbótarmeðferðir á lyflækningasviði II Landspítala. www4.landspitali.is/lsh_ ytri.nsf / pages/frettir_4542/$FILE/vidbotarmeðferdir_lyf- II_2008.pdf - Maí 2009. Utilization of complimentary and alternative health services in lceland Objective: Westerners increasingly use complimentary and alternative (CAM) methods for curing illness and promoting health. The central ideas of CAM appear to resonate with large segments of the general public. Little is known about CAM use in lceland. The purpose of the study was to assess the scope of utilization of CAM providers and the likely explanatory factors. Material and methods: The data come from a national postal health survey that took place during the Fall of 2006. A sample of lcelandic adults, age 18-75, was randomly drawn from the National Register. 1532 individuals responded to the survey yielding a 60% response rate. Results: Almost 32% of the respondents had used a CAM provider in the past 12 months, an estimated increase of 6% since 1998. Women and high income individuals were more likely to use a CAM provider than men and lower income individuals. Physical and mental distress was also related to the likelihood of CAM use. Individuals having negative or positive attitude toward physician services were more likely to use a CAM provider than those expressing a neutral attitude. Finally, repeated physician visits were related to an increased likelihood of CAM use. Conclusions: lcelanders use CAM providers to a considerable degree, and CAM use has increased in recent years. It appears that some clients regard the care they receive in the general health system as insufficient. Most CAM users appear to use CAM treatments as a supplement to the care received in the general health system. Helgadottir B, Vilhjalmsson R, Gunnarsdottir TJ. Utilization of complimentary and alternative health services in lceland. Icel Med J 2009; 96: 267-73. Key words; complimentary and altemative health care, social groups, health, physician visits. Correspondence: Rúnar Vilhjálmsson, runarv@hi.is > CC < 5 => w X w _J o 2 Lil Barst: 12. maí 2009, - samþykkt til birtingar: 7. febrúar 2010 Hagsmunatengsl: Engin LÆKNAblaðið 2010/96 273



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