

Læknablaðið - 15.05.2011, Síða 21

Læknablaðið - 15.05.2011, Síða 21
RANNSÓKN Heimildir 1. Sutherland G. The Treatment of Splenic Anæmia by Splenectomy. Lancet 1910; 176:1819-22. 2. Tanoue K, Okita K, Akahoshi T, et al. Laparoscopic splenectomy for hematologic diseases. Surgery 2002; 131(1 Suppl): S318-23. 3. Balagué C, Targarona EM, Cerdán G, et al. Long-term outcome after laparoscopic splenectomy related to hematologic diagnosis. Surg Endosc 2004; 18:1283-7. 4. Kojouri K, Vesely SK, Terrell DR, George JN. Splenectomy for adult patients with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura: a systematic review to assess long-term platelet count responses, prediction of response, and surgical complications. Blood 2004; 104: 2623-34. 5. King H, Shumacker HB, Jr. Splenic Studies. I. Susceptibility to infection after splenectomy performed in infancy. Ann Surg 1952; 136:239-42. 6. Singer DB. Postsplenectomy Sepsis. Perspect Pediatr Pathol 1973; 1: 285-311. 7. O'Neal BJ, McDonald JC. The Risk of Sepsis in the Asplenic Adult. Ann Surg 1981; 194: 775-8. 8. Lynch AM, Kapila R. Overwhelming Postsplenectomy Infection. Infect Dis Clin North Am 1996; 10: 693-707. 9. Waghom DJ, Mayon-White RT. A study of 42 episodes of overwhelming post-splenectomy infection: is current guidance for asplenic individuals being followed? J Infect 1997; 35: 289-94. 10. Davies JM, Bames R, Milligan D. Update of guidelines for the prevention and treatment of infection in patients with an absent or dysfunctional spleen. Clin Med 2002; 2:440-3. 11. Brigden ML. Detection, Education and Management of the Asplenic or Hyposplenic patient. Am Fam Physician 2001; 63:499-506. 12. Hegarty PK, Tan B, O'Sullivan R, Cronin CC, Brady MP. Prevention of postsplenectomy sepsis: how much do patients know? Hematol J 2000; 1:357-9. 13. Ejstmd P, Kristensen B, Hansen JB, Madsen KM, Schonheyder HC, Sorensen HT. Risk and Pattems of Bacteraemia after Splenectomy: a Population-Based Study. Scand J Infect Dis 2000; 32: 521-5. 14. Ramachandra J, Bond A, Ranaboldo C, Cullis J. An audit of post-splenectomy prophylaxis-are we following the guidelines? Ann R Coll Surg Engl 2003; 85:252-5. 15. Berends FJ, Schep N, Cuesta MA, et al. Hematological long-term results of laparoscopic splenectomy for patients with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. A case control study. Surg Endosc 2004; 18: 766-70. 16. Schwartz PE, Sterioff S, Mucha P, Melton LJ 3rd, Offord KP. Postsplenectomy sepsis and mortality in adults. JAMA 1982; 248: 2279-83. 17. Cullingford GL, Watkins DN, Watts AD, Mallon DF. Severe late postsplenectomy infection. Br J Surg 1991; 78: 716-21. 18. Mauffrey C, Prempeh EM, John J, Vasario G. The influence of written information during the consenting process on patients' recall of operative risks. A prospective randomised study. Int Orthop 2008; 32:425-9. 19. El-Alfy MS, El-Sayed MH. Overwhelming postsplen- ectomy infection: is quality of patient knowledge enough for prevention? Hematol J 2004; 5: 77-80. 20. Gunnarsdóttir J, Datye SS. Ábendingar miltisbrottnáms á FSA á tímabilinu 1985-2006. Læknablaðið 2007; 93: 330-1. ENGLISH SUMMARY Elective Splenectomy at Landspitali University Hospital 1993-2004 Efficacy and Long-Term Outcome Einarsdottir MJ, Björnsson B, Birgisson G, Haraldsdottir V, Oddsdottir M Objective: To evaluate the long-term outcome of elective splenectomy, with emphasis on the incidence of complications, vaccine immunization and patient's knowledge about asplenia. Material and methods: Medical reports of all patients, who undera/ent elective splenectomy during the time period of 1993-2004, were reviewed. Questionnaire was sent to 96% (44/46) patients alive. Results: The average age was 50 (8-83) years. Thirty-five patients were male and 32 were female. Eighty percent responded to the questionnaire. Most of the patients (31) had idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP). Complete response was obtained in 60% (18/30) and partial response in 23% (7/30). Five patients had spherocytosis and all of them had complete response. None of the three patients with autoimmune hemolytic anemia had any response to the splenectomy. Patients were vaccinated against pneumococci in 92% of the cases. In 44% of the cases revaccination was done. Only 41 % of those who answered experienced that they had got a good education about the consequences of asplenia. Sixteen percent of the patients (10/64) had major postoperative complications. One patient with metastatic cancer and thrombocytopenia died within 30 days of surgery. Five patients had long-term complications. Two had pneumococcal sepsis, one of them was unvaccinated and the other had not been revaccinated. Conclusion: Splenectomy has a good long-term outcome for spherocytosis and ITP patients. The incidence of complications is high. It is possible that better guidelines and better patient's education can lower the complication rate and improve the outcome. Key words; splenectomy, vaccination, postsplenectomy sepsis, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, spherocytosis. Correspondence; Guðjón Birgisson, gudjonbi@landspitali.is LÆKNAblaðið 2011/97 301



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