Tímarit um menntarannsóknir - 01.01.2007, Qupperneq 80
Tímarit um menntarannsóknir, 4. árgangur 2007
class teaching. The objective is for graduate
education to take three years, but for education
leading to a professional licence as a practicing
teacher to take five years, equalling a Masters
Degree in Education. (Policy of the Iceland
University of Education 2005–2010; University
of Akureyri, 2005).
Plans for change in the organisation of
teachers’ education in Iceland will require
financial resources, cooperation and an
acute understanding on behalf of political
representatives, government, local
authorities and professionals. The historical
perspective demonstrates that authorities, be
they government or local authorities, have
repeatedly shown a limited understanding
of the importance of education for teachers.
During the last few decades, government
decisions have, however led to changes which
have taken effect within the universities
responsible for educating teachers. With the
active participation of professionals within
these universities an arena has been created
for a new approach, and channels have opened
to actualise the ideology that must constitute
the basis of teaching practice. The profession
of teaching must be the responsibility of
a specialist in pedagogy and teaching, a
professional who understands the needs of
students whether they be related to learning or
social or emotional aspects. The teacher must
also have attained a level of self awareness – a
requirement sanctioned by research results
and treaties on the necessary conditions of
Aðalnámskrá grunnskóla (1999). Reykjavík:
Allyson Macdonald (2005). Viðtal í ágúst
við Allyson Macdonald prófessor við
Kennaraháskóla Íslands. Óbirt viðtal.
Anna Ólafsdóttir (2003). Mat á notkun
upplýsinga- og samskiptatækni í námi
og kennslu í Háskólanum á Akureyri.
Óbirt meistaraprófsritgerð í kennslufræði:
Kennaraháskóli Íslands.
Anna Ólafsdóttir og Ásrún Mattíasdóttir
(2004). Upplýsinga- og samskiptatækni
í háskólanámi og kennslu. Tímarit um
menntarannsóknir, 1, 195–208.
Ásta Þorleifsdóttir (1996). Innlendar fréttir.
Morgunblaðið, 28. nóvember.
Baldur Sigurðsson (1997). Kennaramenntun,
kennslufræði og fagþekking. Dagur-
Tíminn, 4. janúar.
Bart, R.S. (2006). Improving relationships
within the schoolhouse. Educational
Leadership, 63(6), 8–13.
Björn Bjarnason (1996). Umfjöllun um
málþing um raungreinakennslu á
vegum Félags raungreinakennara og
Verkfræðifélags Íslands. Morgunblaðið,
11. desember.
Björn Bjarnason (1997). Samstaða um
nauðsyn breytinga. Morgunblaðið, 14.
Björn Bjarnason (1998). Kennaraháskóli
Íslands. Morgunblaðið, 6. janúar.
Bragi Guðmundsson og Gunnar Karlsson
(1997). Uppruni nútímans. Kennslubók í
Íslandssögu eftir 1930. Reykjavík: Mál
og menning.
Brookfield, S.D. (2001). Developing critical
thinkers. Challenging adults to explore
alternatives of thinking and acting.
London: Open University Press.
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