
Jökull - 01.12.1959, Blaðsíða 4

Jökull - 01.12.1959, Blaðsíða 4
(3) used to derive an expression similar to that by Ángström (Brunt 1939 p. 144) - K 9V - p Km ~zT Rm = 0.14 (1 - 0.089 m) where Rm = outgoing radiation, and m = cloud amount in octas. The outgoing radiation found from this ex- pression was subtracted from the net incoming radiation to find the net racliation available at the surface. The wincl speed at 2 metres height was ge- nerally more than 8 knots, and the plotted pro- files coulcl then be fitted by a logarithmic law which, for the velocity distribution in an air layer near the ground, w'as expressed bv Prandtl in c. g. s. units (Brunt 1939 p. 246): vz = -l— V-Áo_ log e (1) k p z0 where vz = wind speed at height z k = von Karman’s constant = 0.4 rB = surface horizontal shear stress p = fluid density zo = Parameter of surface roughness = the height above the surface at which v = 0. V2 Zo Using wincl ratios —— at height —— gives vi ‘ Zl log z0 V2 log Zl — Vi log Z2 V2 — Vl (2) This roughness coefficient evaluated in cm for each of the three areas is: I 0.2; II 1.61; III 0.31. The vertical flux (of momentum, heat and water vapour) is proportional to the product of the coefficient of turbulent transfer and the vertical gradient (of momentum, heat and water vapour). In a near neutral atmosphere (i. e. tem- perature gradient near to adiabatic) and over a homogeneous surface, many workers have shown that at a specific height, the coefficients of turbulent transfer (of momentum KM, of heat Ku, of water vapour IvE) are approxima- tely equal (Rider & Robinson 1951, p. 388). The vertical transfer of horizontal momentum, the shearing stress is assumed constant in the first few metres of atmosphere (Sheppard 1947, p. 209), which com- bined with equation (1), gives: K, v, k2 z log e - zo (4) To check the similarity of behaviour of the momentum, heat ancl water vapour, it is at least necessary to superimpose the vertical profiles (of wind speed, temperature and vapour pres- sure) for each test to check that they follow similar laws of distribution with height (Pas- quill 1949 p. 250). Figure 1 shows an example, with scale adjustment, of superposition and divergence of the profiles. There is good agree- ment with wind and temperature profiles but less agreement with vapour pressure profiles. Some of these show change of direction of slope, indicating water vapour feeding up from the glacier surface and down from the atmosphere into the 2 metre air layer. Such a condition re- quires horizontal transfer which is possible, particularly over the varied glacier surface. To measure this advection requires at least two sta- tions operating simultaneously. This was not possible so the profiles showing pronounced ad- vection were abancloned. Superposition of the SUPERPOSIIION NONE TEST NO 22 POOR COOD 12 28 FIG I SUPERIMPOSED PROflLES OF WIND SPEED, TEMPERATURE ANO VAPOUR PRESSURE. 2
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