Gripla - 20.12.2015, Blaðsíða 68
imperatoris suscipiens. aedificauit domos bene actionales...uirorum
et mulierum...Haec audiens imperator. oblationes multas dedit ad
nutrimentum eorum (N,233,34–234,42)
4r1–7 þa tok valentinianus keisara velldi eptir valentem. þat er sagt
at anastasius greifi sa er fyr var getit sagdi valentiniano fra morgvm
dyrðar verkvm Basilii. en er keisarinn heyrði krapta verk hans þa
tok hann glaðliga gvð at lofa ok sendi anastasivm greifa með mikla
fiarhlvti at gefa envm heilaga Basilio með allri vegsemd. Basilius tok
við fenv...þa let hann vpp reisa agætliga spitala...karla ok kvenna...
en þa er valentinianus fretti þessa til tekiv Basilii þa gaf hann til
þessa spitala mikil avðæfi
none of this Icelandic text, however, seems to match anything at the corre-
sponding place on the admittedly damaged leaf 3v of 238. since both chap-
ters 11 and 15 concern Valens and Basil, and since both close with the death
of the Emperor, it is possible that Icelandic antiquary interest prompted a
repeated explanation of valens’ successor. this conjecture is supported by
the Icelandic reference on 4r2 to anastasius greifi sa er fyr var getit.
despite these problematic passages, the Icelandic texts are close enough
to the Latin source that one can see where all the fragments fit in to the
entire Vita Basilii. On the badly damaged, unedited first page of 655 it is
possible to make out the words viþ yþr Herra (1r8), [h]elldr hlæja (blanda?)
(1r11), portconum (1r12), oc preter (1r14), ef necqverr af yþ[r] (1r15), oc veiter.
biþi h[an] (1r16). these snippets of text match portions of the Latin text in
W, bolded below, between ca. 9r8 and 9v3:
ad sublimes subditionem, ad aequales et minores caritatem non fictam;
parua dicere, plurima autem intellegere; non temerarios uerbo; non
superabundare sermonibus; non faciles esse ad risum; verecundia
ornari, cum mulieribus inreuerentibus non disputare, deorsum
uisum, sursum habere animam; fugere contradictiones; non magistralem
usurpare dignitatem; nihil existimare omnes saeculi honores. Si
autem quis ex uobis potest et aliis proficere, apud Deum mercedem
GRIPLA XXVI. - 12.12.B.indd 68 12/13/15 8:24:32 PM