Gripla - 20.12.2015, Page 254
[12th riddle, speaks about Andaður and ítrekur’s board game. they are
continuously engaged in playing chess. He calls the ‘checkmate’ or ‘check-
moot’ in the game of chess an assembly. All the people are reconciled once
they are placed in the bag. And they build their homestead on the chess-
squares once one has come into position, as we call it, with one’s chessmen.
I understand the interpretation in this way.]
8–9: gáta...var ] Björn Jónsson segir að það hafi verið AM 167 b III 8vo,
NKS 1891 4to. 11: eður mótið ] ÷ AM 591 k 4to. 11–12: allt er sátt fólkið
] en allt fólkið er sátt AM 591 k 4to. 13: þeir ] þau AM 591 k 4to. 13: þegar
] þá AM 591 k 4to. 13–14: skákmönnum ] skákinni NKS 1891 4to. 14:
komið ] + á reitina AM 591 k 4to. 15: svo (first) ] ÷ AM 591 k 4to. 15–16:
svo (second)...þessi ] ÷ AM 591 k 4to.
|17 13. gäta wm kvotru |18 tafflid. Omÿrk.
13. Gáta, um kvotrutaflið. ómyrk.
[13th riddle, about the board game. Not obscure.]
17: gáta ] ÷ AM 192 fol. 17–18: gáta...ómyrk ] ÷ AM 167 b III 8vo, NKS
1891 4to.
|19 14 gata, wm Elldinn, er hann |20 seiger sofa j ǫsgrua. ǫs merkir |21 ǫsku,
en gru hennar örninn sem og |22 offan ÿfer gruer edur greyvist.
14. gáta, um eldinn, er hann segir sofa í ösgrúa. ‘Ös’ merkir ‘ösku’, en ‘grú’
hennar ‘arinn’, sem og ofan yfir grúfir eður greyfist.
[14th riddle, about the fire, which he says sleeps in the ‘ös-grúi’. ‘Ös’ means
‘ash’, and ‘grú’ is its hearth, which hangs over or bends down to it.]
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